Heroic Pizza Guy's Selfless Act Of Saving 5 Kids Trapped In A House Fire Caught On Cam

"I accepted I was going to probably die."

Heroic Pizza Guy's Selfless Act Of Saving 5 Kids Trapped In A House Fire Caught On Cam

We've all seen superheroes on our screens ever since we were kids—Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and as adults, a lot of us have indulged in the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Growing up, we have been painted with this notion that heroes are the ones who fly and can lift tons of cars, but now, we have come to learn that some heroes are the ones who never have capes at all and instead, just normal people we see every day on the streets.

There's a little bit of heroism in each and every one of us, but only a few are truly brave enough to harness that potential and use it for something important. It can be as small as helping an elderly person cross the streets to ensure that they would get to the other safely, or it can be as big as saving a person or an animal from a fire.

Case in point: this certain pizza delivery guy named Nicholas Bostic, who saved not just one, but five kids trapped in a house fire. This happened in Lafayette, and he just happened to drive by and noticed a certain two-story house blazing with fire.

Well, it's a great thing that what happened next was captured on camera, because his heroic act deserves to never go unnoticed!

Meet Nicholas Bostic—a 25-year-old pizza delivery guy who noticed a burning two-story house in the city of Lafayette.

Meet Nicholas Bostic—a 25-year-old pizza delivery guy who noticed a burning two-story house in the city of Lafayette.Nick Bostic

He didn't have his phone so he wasn't able to call 911—so he took the matter into his own hands and checked if there was anybody inside the burning house. He discovered that there were actually five children in their; a one-year-old as the youngest, and an eighteen-year-old as the eldest.

He tried to yell and luckily, the eldest heard him and woke up two of his younger siblings as well as their one-year-old sister. The delivery guy led them outside safely.

“For a minute I didn’t understand it, but my sister ran upstairs with the baby in her hands and yelled at us to get up because there’s a fire,” 13-year-old Shaylee Barrett said to the Purdue Exponent. “And for a minute I froze and I laid there because I was confused. That’s when we went downstairs and Nick was downstairs helping us.”

He didn't have his phone so he wasn't able to call 911—so he took the matter into his own hands and checked if there was anybody inside the burning house. He discovered that there were actually five children in their; a one-year-old as the youngest, and an eighteen-year-old as the eldest.lafayetteinpd

The eldest, with the help of Nicholas, got most of her siblings out. However, there was still one of them missing: their six-year-old sister.

The eldest, with the help of Nicholas, got most of her siblings out. However, there was still one of them missing: their six-year-old sister.lafayetteinpd

Nicholas went in to search for the girl, which he fortunately found. However, he had a bit of trouble finding his way back—so he broke a window and jumped with the girl in his arms.

“I don’t know how to explain it, but it was like I accepted I was going to probably die, right there, that night,” he told journalist Dave Bangert. “But it was a weird calm. You just got to work as fast as you can.”

Nicholas went in to search for the girl, which he fortunately found. However, he had a bit of trouble finding his way back—so he broke a window and jumped with the girl in his arms.lafayetteinpd

Nicholas landed on his right side and injured his backside, arm, and ankle in the process, but the girl “was miraculously mostly uninjured," according to the police.

Nicholas landed on his right side and injured his backside, arm, and ankle in the process, but the girl “was miraculously mostly uninjured,lafayetteinpd

He was already bleeding when he came towards the responders, and was already asking for oxygen. The children he saved barely had any injuries, and the police declared him a hero.

“Everyone says, hero-this or hero-that,” Nick said. “I don’t know about that. I was just a guy. Like I keep saying, it’s not like I’m some superstar hero. I was at the right place, the right time, and, I guess, the right person.”

He was already bleeding when he came towards the responders, and was already asking for oxygen. The children he saved barely had any injuries, and the police declared him a hero.lafayetteinpd

When Nicholas saw footage of what happened, he couldn't believe how daring the whole thing was.

“It’s unreal,” he said. “Sitting here telling you about it, it’s just unreal to me. It’s God, man. That’s all I can think of.”

When Nicholas saw footage of what happened, he couldn't believe how daring the whole thing was.lafayetteinpd

It is believed that the fire was caused due to ashes emptied into a bucket on their porch, before they got extinguished fully.

It is believed that the fire was caused due to ashes emptied into a bucket on their porch, before they got extinguished fully.lafayetteinpd

The city is set to honor his heroic act in their 2022 Lafayette Aviators game. A lot of donors have also helped him with the medical expenses—more than $33,000 from a Facebook fundraiser alone, and another $142,000 from GoFundMe.

The city is set to honor his heroic act in their 2022 Lafayette Aviators game. A lot of donors have also helped him with the medical expenses—more than $33,000 from a Facebook fundraiser alone, and another $142,000 from GoFundMe.City of Lafayette

“It’s not like I’m some superstar hero,” Nick says.

“It’s not like I’m some superstar hero,” Nick says.Nick Bostic

Here's the full video of his selfless act:

Here's what people have to say:

Here's what people have to say:

He deserves more than just going back to being a delivery guy!

He deserves more than just going back to being a delivery guy!

We wish him the best.

We wish him the best.

He deserves everything good in life—no question about that.

He deserves everything good in life—no question about that.

He'll rock it, for sure.

He'll rock it, for sure.

We're betting they will!

We're betting they will!

That would be cool, right?

That would be cool, right?

A different St. Nick!

A different St. Nick!

We hope more and more people like Nicholas get everything they deserve in this life.

We hope more and more people like Nicholas get everything they deserve in this life.

And he managed to save them unscathed!

And he managed to save them unscathed!

It's indeed refreshing to hear this kind of stories!

It's indeed refreshing to hear this kind of stories!

Fire is something that we should never downplay because it can truly give the biggest damage in just a matter of seconds—and it's not only the flames that you should be wary of but the fumes, too. Remember, when you notice a fire, GET OUT, STAY OUT, and CALL 9-1-1!

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