People Are In Awe Of This Brave Cat Mom Who Ran Into A Burning Garage Five Times Just To Save Her Babies

Not all heroes wear capes!

People Are In Awe Of This Brave Cat Mom Who Ran Into A Burning Garage Five Times Just To Save Her Babies

Every day, we see stories of animals doing various things that automatically bring them to the spotlight. This is the amazing story of a stray mother cat who repeatedly ran through a flaming garage to save her babies who were captive there.

This is a cat mom who defied all the odds to save her young. Even though it severely burned parts of her body, the courageous cat succeeded in a heroic way and this story is all about her inspirational tale!

The thereafter named Scarlett was a stray cat that was lost and found her way across Brooklyn, New York. She became pregnant and gave birth to her litter of five kittens in the neighborhood's abandoned garage.

Unfortunately, the small critters were stuck inside when a fire broke out. Mind you, this event took place as far back as 1996, on the 30th of March precisely.

A squad of firefighters showed up on the scene a short while later. What they had seen had left them incredibly impressed.

Firefighters saw the courageous cat bringing her kittens one by one to safety while battling the flames. She continued to fight until she got all five of her kids out, despite the fact that her ears, paws, and a portion of her coat were burned.

Here is the brave cat mom, Scarlett

Here is the brave cat mom, ScarlettNorth Shore Animal League America

The mother cat collapsed to the ground after making sure all of her pups were still alive by touching them with her nose once they had reached safety. A vet clinic was then rushed to receive the cat and her kittens.

A firefighter who was present at the scene subsequently related what happened.

Here is the brave mom, Scarlett and her beautiful kittens

Here is the brave mom, Scarlett and her beautiful kittensNorth Shore Animal League America

Firefighter David Giannelli clarified in an imgur post:

“Scarlett herself had been severely burned in the process of pulling her kittens from the fire. Her eyes were blistered shut, her ears and paws burned, and her coat highly singed,” the post reads. “The majority of her facial hair had been burnt away. After saving the kittens she was seen to touch each of her kittens with her nose to ensure they were all there and alive, as the blisters on her eyes kept her from being able to see them, and then she collapsed unconscious.”

North Shore Animal League America

Scarlett and all of her children did survive, and at the time, the media took notice of her bravery. Scarlett Saves her Family and The Bravest Cat were two stories that drew inspiration from the courageous mother cat.

After a while, a Brooklyn family adopted the brave Scarlett, and she had a happy twelve years there. In 2008, she passed away quietly.

Watch the video below to learn more about Scarlett's motivational story!


This cat mom's extraordinary bravery will certainly endure for a very long time. An award has been named in Scarlett's honor by the North Shore Animal League, which at the time assisted Scarlett and her kittens in finding homes.

This is an honor they bestow for brave animals and this cat mom surely deserves it. Don't forget to share this story with your cat-loving family and friends.
