Herd Of Elephants Runs To Warmly Welcome An Orphaned Baby Elephant At The Sanctuary

A warm welcome when you don't expect it is everything!

Herd Of Elephants Runs To Warmly Welcome An Orphaned Baby Elephant At The Sanctuary

Elephants have extremely strong social bonds both within and outside of their family groups. Individuals interact frequently within groups, particularly through play behaviours between people of all ages.

Chasing, mounting, wrestling, and sparring are all examples of play behaviour. When closely bonded elephants are separated, even for brief periods of time, they exhibit very intense greeting ceremonies that include a lot of trunk interactions and vocalisations when they are reunited.

Young adult females look to older adults to learn mothering skills, and they frequently assist in caring for the younger calves. Elephants care for their young even if they are not from their herd.

This is the heartwarming moment when a rescued baby elephant who has lost its mother receives the warmest greeting from a herd ever. The emotional scene was captured on camera at the Elephant Nature Park in Northern Thailand, and it demonstrates once again how sensitive these adorable creatures are!

The gentle elephants are well known for their social lives and protective nature, particularly when it comes to their babies (even though they are not from the same elephant family). You can imagine coming into a new place without knowing if the people there will accept you but boom... you get the warmest welcome ever.

This is what happened to a 2-year-old rescued elephant arrives at this rehabilitation centre. He was met with an unexpected welcome from the rest of the herd.

The gentle elephants are well known for their social life and for their protective nature, especially when it comes to their babies

The gentle elephants are well known for their social life and for their protective nature, especially when it comes to their babiesElephant Nature Park

Dok Gaew, a young male, was abandoned in the wild after his mother died, and the odds were stacked against him. Fortunately, a group of rescuers rescued him just in time before predators discovered him and took him to the Elephant Nature Park.

Naturally, he was terrified and perplexed by his surroundings, and the staff feared he wouldn't be accepted by the herd. But then something extraordinary happened that stunned everyone in the elephant's presence.


When hearing the poor Dok Gaew crying from across the field, the whole herd run to welcome him, in one of the most emotional animal video you’ve ever seen

When hearing the poor Dok Gaew crying from across the field, the whole herd run to welcome him, in one of the most emotional animal video you’ve ever seenElephant Nature Park

When the herd hears the poor Dok Gaew crying from across the field, they all rush to greet him in one of the most emotional animal videos you've ever seen. When it comes to helping those in need, animals can do things that humans cannot.

Their kindness and compassion appear to be limitless, and we could all learn something from them. Watch the touching moment in the video clip embedded below.


Watch the beautiful moment when the rescue baby elephant gets the warmest greeting ever


This herd behavior is really something worthy of emulation. They integrate well with their little ones that need support, even if it is not from their herd.

Life would have been terrible for the young elephant after the death of its mother. Luckily, this herd was there to accept it.

We know this video clip touched you. Let us know your reactions in the comments section below.
