Texas Family Throws Out An Elsa Doll, But She Keeps On Mysteriously Coming Back To Their House
A creepy Elsa doll keeps returning to the family that threw it away several times. What does it all mean?

Back in 2013, Emily Madonia’s daughter was the happiest kid in the world because she got a gift she wanted, a Frozen’s Disney princess, Elsa doll.
This doll was genuinely magical (more delicate way of saying that there’s something strange about her). It speaks two languages, didn’t require battery change in six years, and it works even when switched off. Oh, we forgot- It constantly returns to the house after being thrown out.
The first time it was simply chucked in the garbage, but it came back. The kids are swearing they don’t have anything to do with this. The family took extra precautions, but Elsa came back again.

Explaining Elsa’s reappearance in a Facebook post, Emily wrote:
Mat threw it away weeks ago and then we found it inside a wooden bench. Okay… so we were weirded out and tightly wrapped it in its own garbage bag and put that garbage bag INSIDE another garbage bag filled with other garbage and put it in the bottom of our garbage can underneath a bunch of other bags of garbage and wheeled it to the curb and it was collected on garbage day.
Great, right? We went out of town, forgot about it. Today Aurélia says: ‘Mom, I saw the Elsa doll again in the backyard.’ <chills> HELP US GET RID OF THIS HAUNTED DOLL.
It was clearly her daughter’s doll because it had the same markings on it. So, some extreme measures were taken – Elsa was mailed to her friend’s house, and he tied it to the hood of his SUV.
If you think this is a bit paranoid, Emily agrees with you, but she is curious about what will happen next.
If the doll comes back to their house again, ‘I might have to open my mind to some of the more supernatural solutions,’ Emily told the reporters. She didn’t want to burn the doll because of the old myths about demons escaping. Not superstitious or anything, but just to make sure.

The family’s story has been circling the internet, and as expected, many believe that this is all a big hoax and they just want the attention.
In a Facebook reaction to those accusations, Emily said: “Sadly, no. Either the doll is haunted or some crazy psychopath has dug the doll out of the garbage (that was already taken away) and broken into my house/property multiple times. I am going to go with the haunted thing.”
Do you think this is a hoax? Share your opinion in the comments section.