It's wedding season once again so as we all know social media will soon be flooding with photos of people in suits, great flowers and food, and of course those signature white dresses. What we don't usually think about when it comes to weddings is what goes on behind the scenes, perhaps the private moments of nerves or last minute changes that could save, or ruin, the whole day for the couple that are tying the knot.
This thread however is all about not what goes right, but instead what goes wrong... The one and only Jimmy Fallon has rallied up some great responses to his last hashtag request: "Tag a tweet with #weddingfail" and now you can see all the great photos at once. Prepare to giggle at wedding fails that might make you feel a little better about yours!
So here is where all the fun starts: Hashtag your tweet with #weddingfail
And we've got a zinger to kick it off! Why didn't anyone like this joke?
There always has to be SOMEONE that wears the same dress...
It's one thing having your dog involved in your ceremony, it's a whole new step to involve everyone else' dogs too