We're Still Puzzled By These Bad Choices Harry Potter Characters Made That Absolutely Didn’t Make Sense

“Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.” Mainly the bad decisions that could've been better.

We're Still Puzzled By These Bad Choices Harry Potter Characters Made That Absolutely Didn’t Make Sense

There isn’t a movie without questionable flaws. Especially movies that stretch on to be a whole series. 

The more you watch it, the more you’ll realize that there are details that are a bit foggy or unexplainable. Not only that but if it’s a childhood favorite, chances are that when you grow older, you might see certain loopholes.

You’d wish that you never found out about those loopholes so you can continue the movie without your mind going off and forming theories and questions. But while you’re at it, you can’t help but look into other details that feel weird in a sense.

The Harry Potter films were produced for a number of years, based on books that lasted until the 7th book. And it’s set in a magical world so it’s not impossible to miss out on some things that aren’t quite right.

More so the questionable acts aren’t only limited to what goes on in the movies but also the decisions of characters that could’ve been better. Decisions that could’ve been prevented without taking out the drama factor in the story.

Like when Dumbledore was suddenly screaming about Harry deliberately putting his name in the Goblet of Fire. Even beloved characters can sometimes make you ask ‘why?’.

1. At the end of the Sorcerer’s Stone, Dumbledore gave enough points needed for Gryffindor to win House Cup.

It’s like when your kid asks if you have a favorite and you say you love them equally but it’s a total lie.

1. At the end of the Sorcerer’s Stone, Dumbledore gave enough points needed for Gryffindor to win House Cup.Warner Bros. / Via giphy.com

2. Harry Potter being included in the goblet of fire when he was just fourteen against his will was a recipe for trauma.

2. Harry Potter being included in the goblet of fire when he was just fourteen against his will was a recipe for trauma.Avalon Television

3. Harry was allowed to enter the Triwizard tournament because the cup said so but couldn’t stroll around Hogsmeade without a guardian’s signature.

3. Harry was allowed to enter the Triwizard tournament because the cup said so but couldn’t stroll around Hogsmeade without a guardian’s signature.Warner Bros. / Via giphy.com

4. Not even a protest when they found out about the elves being slaves even though they were against it.

4. Not even a protest when they found out about the elves being slaves even though they were against it.Warner Bros. / Via giphy.com

5. The magical world is truly different but so are the names they decide to name their kids with.

5. The magical world is truly different but so are the names they decide to name their kids with.Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures / 20th Century Fox Television

6. Ginny and Harry’s priorities really show when it comes to naming their kid Albus Severus instead of something with maybe Sirius.

6. Ginny and Harry’s priorities really show when it comes to naming their kid Albus Severus instead of something with maybe Sirius.Warner Bros. / Via Tumblr

7. Harry was just clueless on how to get over the lake task in the Triwizard tournament to the point that Dobby had to show up and help

7. Harry was just clueless on how to get over the lake task in the Triwizard tournament to the point that Dobby had to show up and helpFremulon / NBC

8. Snape bullies children when he felt petty

8. Snape bullies children when he felt pettyWarner Bros. / Via giphy.com

9. Harry never made a plan to be incognito in other countries

9. Harry never made a plan to be incognito in other countriesAvalon Television

10. But then again, Voldemort also never thought through his Horcruxes plan and never thought to hide them all over the world

10. But then again, Voldemort also never thought through his Horcruxes plan and never thought to hide them all over the worldWarner Bros. / Via giphy.com

11. Ron dating Lavender Brown because he hated the fact that Hermione started dating Victor Krum

11. Ron dating Lavender Brown because he hated the fact that Hermione started dating Victor KrumWarner Bros / Via: Giphy

12. Instead of teaching Hermione a healthy way to deal with her stress, they gave her a Time-Turner.

12. Instead of teaching Hermione a healthy way to deal with her stress, they gave her a Time-Turner.Warner Bros. / Via giphy.com

13. Lockhart fixing Harry’s arm in front of people wasn’t the smartest move, given that he was a fraud.

13. Lockhart fixing Harry’s arm in front of people wasn’t the smartest move, given that he was a fraud.Warner Bros. / Via giphy.com

14. There were multiple chances that Sirius could’ve escaped Azkaban and yet he only tried when he found out about Peter Pettigrew.

14. There were multiple chances that Sirius could’ve escaped Azkaban and yet he only tried when he found out about Peter Pettigrew.NBC

15. Voldemort’s theatrics made his way of trapping Harry lie solely on him winning the Triwizard tournament.

15. Voldemort’s theatrics made his way of trapping Harry lie solely on him winning the Triwizard tournament.Warner Bros. / Via giphy.com

16. Petunia’s immense hate for Harry even though he’s the only child of her deceased sister.

16. Petunia’s immense hate for Harry even though he’s the only child of her deceased sister.Fremulon

17. The creation of the ‘Chamber of Secrets’ by Salazar Slytherin is questionable to say the least, and why even have it under a school?

17. The creation of the ‘Chamber of Secrets’ by Salazar Slytherin is questionable to say the least, and why even have it under a school?Warner Bros. / Via giphy.com

18. Harry could’ve given even a part of his earnings from the Triwizard tournament to the Diggory family and not just Fred and George.

18. Harry could’ve given even a part of his earnings from the Triwizard tournament to the Diggory family and not just Fred and George.Fremulon / NBC

19. Dumbledore seems to have a thing for not warning people, like the time when they didn’t tell the students about the presence of Dementors on their way to Hogwarts.

19. Dumbledore seems to have a thing for not warning people, like the time when they didn’t tell the students about the presence of Dementors on their way to Hogwarts.Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures / 20th Century Fox Television

20. Instead of waiting for grown-ups and having them explain why Ron was late for the Hogwarts Express, they took a flying car

20. Instead of waiting for grown-ups and having them explain why Ron was late for the Hogwarts Express, they took a flying carWarner Bros. / Via giphy.com

21. Ollivander is a little bit vague, must be the old age

21. Ollivander is a little bit vague, must be the old ageWarner Bros. / Via giphy.com

22. There’s the question why people thought Harry put his name in the goblet just for clout when he was already well known and others, including Ron, knew that he wasn’t too keen on that

22. There’s the question why people thought Harry put his name in the goblet just for clout when he was already well known and others, including Ron, knew that he wasn’t too keen on thatWarner Bros. / Via giphy.com

23. Why had Dumbledore never tried teaching defence against the dark arts especially when the teachers they were hiring weren’t working out?

23. Why had Dumbledore never tried teaching defence against the dark arts especially when the teachers they were hiring weren’t working out?NBC

24. When Ginny was possessed by Tom Riddle and wrote his warning about the Chamber of Secrets, he wrote it with unnecessary flair.

24. When Ginny was possessed by Tom Riddle and wrote his warning about the Chamber of Secrets, he wrote it with unnecessary flair.

25. Parents should really look into having their 11-year-old get sorted into houses when they’re that young.

25. Parents should really look into having their 11-year-old get sorted into houses when they’re that young.Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures / 20th Century Fox Television

There are a lot of details in the Harry Potter series that you can clock. Whether it's the movies or books, it’s such a big world that it’s bound to have obvious imperfections.

You can chalk it all off to the fact that it’s magic. Or maybe it was a big oversight and they went along with it because it was too late to change.
