Parents Mad At Kids For Not Going To See Their Grandparent's Dog Before It Gets Put Down
This story isn't that long and honestly the answer might be obvious even after just reading the post.
- Published in Animal Stories
We're back with a quick little AITA post from someone who's looking for a bit of advice on whether or not they're in the wrong for not going to their grandparent's house. Now, sometimes it can be really obvious what the verdict should be, while other times it seems to be a bit of a hard decision in the comment section.
Now with this being said, we love diving into these stories because it connects us with other people while also giving a great insight into situations and how people react to them. It's also fun to read the comments because they give a lot of different perspectives on the OP's situation.
If you love looking into other people's lives and looking at opinions and different perspectives then the Reddit AITA thread might be good for you. Stay tuned as we dive into this situation where someone didn't go to their grandparent's house and is getting the backhand now because of it.
However, the reasoning does make sense, but the communication from the parents wasn't there. So, let's see what people really said about this and find out what the verdict is on whether or not OP is TA.
Here's how the story starts off with OP telling a little background about themselves and their friends.
Turtle576OP then goes on to explain what their dad asked and what they replied to him, which ultimately was that they weren't going to go.
Turtle576Things didn't seem to die down and obviously there's still a lot of tension.
Turtle576The first comment clearly says that OP is NTA in this situation and then accuses the dad of manipulating OP .
LadyNikoThe dad is being manipulative and obviously the people in the comments can see right through his manipulative acts.
UsuallyWrite2It really doesn't matter the background or context because they clearly as old enough to make the decision on whether or not they want to see certain family members or not.
That1fluffyGamerBasically almost everyone is saying that the dad and even the grandparents are manipulating them into feeling bad.
PrincessCGOP definitely does see that their dad is not being right during this situation. It's not okay for him to manipulate them or make them feel bad about anything.
EvenOrchid6345This is true too because the mother had nothing to do with it at all so I'm not sure why he even brought her into it.
Supermarket-7367This person was a little brutal when it came to their comments, but hey and opinion is an opinion right. With that being said it is definitely not okay for the grandparents to wait like that just for someone to say goodbye.
SoroWakeAfter reading all of this story and the comments below it, OP really isn't TA in this situation. I mean, how are you supposed to make a decision if you don't even know the whole story?
Some people even said they feel like the dad is lying about the dog being put down just to manipulate the kids.