People Are Sharing Their Favorite Gordon Ramsay Insults And We Have 10 Of The Best

It's like his superpower, and his fans love him for it!

  • Published in Funny
People Are Sharing Their Favorite Gordon Ramsay Insults And We Have 10 Of The Best

Gordon Ramsay is one of the most famous chefs around, but it could be argued that he is somewhat more famous for being, well... rude!

Love him or hate him, you have to admit he possesses an extremely quick wit, with his ability to fire the deepest cutting insults faster than the speed of light. It's like his superpower, and his fans love him for it!

Recently, an r/AskReddit thread was started by u/TheDemonicPsycho, and the question was asked, “What is your favorite Gordon Ramsay insult?”

Naturally, the replies came rolling in, so we have a collection of ten of the absolute best, as chosen by Reddit users, for your amusement below. Enjoy!

#1 "You look more like a dog than I do!"

There was a woman who whistled at him to fix her food and he goes, “Don’t f*cking whistle at me you look more like a dog than I do!” Then when he got her food ready he said something like make sure you put a leash on her plate so the bitch doesn’t run off with it. - Stellaextra22


#2 "You f*cking donut!"

Gordon Ramsay: "Was there anything I ate tonight that wasn’t microwaved?"

Person: "The salad."

Gordon Ramsay: "Of course the salad wasn’t microwaved you f*cking donut!" - fireflies123_


#3 “You stuck up precious little bitch.” Such eloquence. - UndertowEchoes

#3 “You stuck up precious little bitch.” Such eloquence. - UndertowEchoes

#4 "You useless pile of yankee dankee doodle sh*te." I told that to my dad and he laughed for quite a while. - K1N6_V1P3R


#5 "May the Lord make us truly not vomit.”

Some of my absoloute favorite Gordon Ramsay insults, mostly because they are so spontaneous!

  1. “You give me them anaemic bits of sh*t, I’ll f*cking throw them up your ass sideways.”
  2. “Hey panini head, are you listening to me?”
  3. “For what we are about to eat, may the Lord make us truly not vomit.”
  4. “This crab is so undercooked I can still hear it singing ‘Under the Sea.'”
  5. “How about a thank you, you miserable wee b*tch?” - drunkolive99


“Come here you! You useless sack of piss and wind” - wolfofluna


#7 “I’ve never, ever, ever met someone I believe in as little as you.” - thiswasyouridea

#7 “I’ve never, ever, ever met someone I believe in as little as you.” - thiswasyouridea


You f*cking donkey. - bronxafrican


#9 “And he’s standing there looking like a toilet brush.”

“Andy, you’re a first class c*nt.”

“You’re about as consistent as pigeon sh*t on Trafalgar Square.”

“F*ck me? How about f*ck you!”

“And he’s standing there looking like a toilet brush.”

“F*ck off you piece of f*cking yankie dankie doodle sh*te, F*ck off will you please yeah?”

“Right, well I’ll get you your pumpkin,and I’ll ram it up your f*ckin ass, would you like it whole or diced?”

“Don’t whistle at me I’m not your f*cking dog, you look like more of a dog than I do.”

Just some of my favorites - CallMeKevinsUsedSock


#10 “This soup is DRY!” - MCA2142

#10 “This soup is DRY!” - MCA2142

What's your favorite Gordon Ramsay insult?

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