According To Twitter, If God Created All Of The Things In This World, He Would Have Been Having A Field Day

This might be our creator's very thoughts on the universe.

  • Published in Funny
According To Twitter, If God Created All Of The Things In This World, He Would Have Been Having A Field Day

Some of Earth’s creatures are more bizarre than others. Even the more normal creatures (if you can call any of them normal after this) suggest a sort of blasé, devil-may-care attitude when it comes to natural design.

It makes you wonder, just what-on-earth God was thinking, or drinking, while populating planet Earth. If you sit and think about some of them for too long, things get weird.

The Twitterverse is rolling with this train-of-thought and is in a frenzy musing about God’s, well, muse. This collection of Tweets hilariously covers the basics: from spiders to millipedes; birds to fish; and corgis the strangest creature of all, humans.

#1 Snakes

#1 Snakestater tot bros

#2 Spiders

#2 Spidersmatt__nelson

#3 Bees

#3 Beesthemiltron

#4 Ants

#4 Antsrobiticcrab

#5 Butterflies

#5 ButterfliesNewDadNotes

#6 More Bees

#6 More Beesmems_krispy

#7 Frogs & Plagues

#7 Frogs & Plaguesrobiticcrab

#8 Octopus

#8 OctopusNewDadNotes

#9 Mushrooms

#9 MushroomsSkoogeth

#10 Jellyfish

#10 Jellyfishprakhrrrr

#11 Tigers & Guinea Pigs

#11 Tigers & Guinea Pigsginadivittorio

#12 Centipedes

#12 CentipedesArfMeasures

#13 On Naming Birds

#13 On Naming BirdsShen_the_Bird

#14 Owls

#14 OwlsR_P_Nunes

#15 Parrots

#15 ParrotsNewDadNotes

#16 More Parrots

#16 More ParrotsTheDreamGhoul

#17 Coconuts

#17 Coconutsroxiqt

#18 The Bald Eagle

#18 The Bald EagleKylePlantEmoji

#19 Seahorses

#19 SeahorsesNewDadNotes

#20 On Destroying Dinosaurs

#20 On Destroying DinosaursNewDadNotes

#21 Tiny Saxophones

#21 Tiny SaxophonesPaperWash

#22 Otters and Weasels

#22 Otters and WeaselsNewDadNotes

#23 Narwhals

#23 Narwhalsswan_hillary

#24 Kangaroos

#24 Kangaroosginadivittorio

#25 Fish

#25 FishNewDadNotes

#26 Giraffes

#26 Giraffesthewritertype

#27 Swordfish and Hammerheads

#27 Swordfish and HammerheadsNewDadNotes

#28 Sloths

#28 SlothsNewDadNotes

#29 Camels

#29 CamelsAtticusFinch79

#30 Horses

#30 HorsesArfMeasures

#31 Cats

#31 Catsteeroy99

#32 Corgis

#32 CorgisNewDadNotes

#33 Humans

#33 Humanswoodmuffin