Woman Gives Her Brother's Dog Away As He Didn't Seem Concerned About It After Moving Out Of Their Home
The brother stopped caring for the dog, so she decided to give it away.
- Published in Animal Stories
Caring for dogs is a heavy responsibility. So why would anyone ever think it's okay to pass that responsibility off to someone else?
Just because your sibling might be more available or willing to help out doesn't mean you should take advantage of them. If you can't handle being a dog owner yourself, then maybe you shouldn't have one at all.
The shelters are already full. And some dogs get euthanized before they even get a chance to reach their forever home.
So always be a responsible dog owner. Don't push the pet-caring duties onto someone else.
Sadly, we hear about people being irresponsible toward their pets all the time. One example is this story from a redditor.
Prior to sharing her doubts on the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) subreddit, she lived with her brother who owns a dog. After some time, this brother moved in with the boyfriend but didn't bring the dog along.
The original poster (OP) has a very tight schedule and there's just no way she can fit the dog into her lifestyle. At first, her brother would visit to care for the dog, but it ultimately became her responsibility.
Fortunately, she has a friend who gladly took the dog. But now, the OP is wondering if it was wrong of her to give the dog away without her brother's knowledge.
According to the OP, she and her brother share a home. And this sibling owns a dog.
Unlucky_Intention_78Her brother decided to move in with his partner. But he didn't bring his dog along.
Unlucky_Intention_78At first, he was caring for his pet even if he lives in another home.
Unlucky_Intention_78The guy is slowly being negligent.
Unlucky_Intention_78The OP can no longer handle the demands of caring for a dog.
Fortunately, she found a friend who's willing to care for his brother's pet. She gave it away, knowing that she can no longer take it back.
Unlucky_Intention_78What she did is bothering her, so she decided to consult the AITA community.
Unlucky_Intention_78For this redditor, the OP did the right thing.
AlgebralovrThe OP's brother would just be neglectful anyway. It's best for the dog to be with an owner who will actually care for it.
Big-Bug6427To be on the safe side, the OP can always check state laws.
LiolaCharm, ShowUsYaNungasShe's a hero for placing the dog in a home it deserves.
RichPerformance2369, Natures_Pocket_42069, Embarrassed_Low4550, karenna89Basically, he abandoned the dog.
NotShockedFruitWeirdA Redditor feels that it would have been better if the OP told her brother that she's giving the dog away.
tomatomaximum, Unlucky_Intention_78What the OP's brother did was abandonment. The only difference is that the dog wasn't found on the street.
helpmefindbettername, lonnielee3Other users believe that the brother just doesn't want to admit that he doesn't want the dog anymore.
esk_7140, Drayden71, rrredandyellowThe OP did what's best for the dog.
tysontysontyson1What she did was for the dog's sake as well.
ParsimoniousSaladHe left the dog and it was given away. He no longer has a say in the matter.
Street-WingFor this Redditor, it's better to stay silent about the issue.
NixKlappt-Reddit, Crazy_Lengthiness209There was an agreement. It's the brother who didn't do his part.
Jovon35A Redditor has a different take.
Motor_Business483She can't care for the dog. So it's best to give it away.
maryjanetookieAlthough the OP did what was right, she still feels guilty because she didn't inform her brother about her plan to give it away. We make never know what would have happened if she told this guy.
At this point, we're just glad that the dog is now in good hands. We hope the brother won't do anything to bring it back.