Reddit Gives Support To A Lady Who Got Her Coworker Fired Over A Plant

"I know how the title sounds but hear me out"

Reddit Gives Support To A Lady Who Got Her Coworker Fired Over A Plant

It's one thing to have a coworker, and it's another to have a coworker who's just bent on frustrating you over nothing. People have needs, but it gets tough when your needs don't blend in with those of your coworkers'.

The narrator of today's story didn't have it any different, as she shared an office with one. Her co-worker primarily worked in the community and only used the office once a week.

When the OP first came in, she noticed that this coworker had a little plant on a table next to her desk. The coworker mentioned that she keeps the blinds in the office closed because her plant burns in sunlight.

You see, the OP has anxiety, and having natural sunlight and a view of the outside helps her. Remembering what her coworker had said about her plant, the OP usually moved it out of the sunlight during the day, then put it back and closed the blinds when she left.

Her co-worker still had a problem with that arrangement, as she didn't want her plant moved, saying that the lights in the office should be enough and the OP needed to keep the blinds closed. Well, that wasn't going to work, and you can read the full story below to find out how this coworker got fired.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/Emgirl98

She mentioned that she keeps the blinds in the office closed because her plant burns in sunlight

She mentioned that she keeps the blinds in the office closed because her plant burns in sunlightReddit/Emgirl98

The OP said she was sorry about that but she needed the blinds open for her mental health

The OP said she was sorry about that but she needed the blinds open for her mental healthReddit/Emgirl98

OP's boss walked in at that moment and she escaped to go cry in her friends office

OP's boss walked in at that moment and she escaped to go cry in her friends officeReddit/Emgirl98

The OP posted the picture of the plant for anyone curious

The OP posted the picture of the plant for anyone curiousReddit/Emgirl98

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

I think I may be the AH as I did move her plant which led to her going off the walls. However this was a healthcare agency and should someone like that really be working there? Also I did try to fix the situation multiple times. So AITA?

The Reddit post got hundreds of comments and we've gathered a bunch of them for you below

The Reddit post got hundreds of comments and we've gathered a bunch of them for you belowReddit/Emgirl98

The OP did nothing wrong and the plant shouldn't be there

The OP did nothing wrong and the plant shouldn't be thereReddit/Emgirl98

This Redditor would have responded badly too

This Redditor would have responded badly tooReddit/Emgirl98

She got fired for acting unprofessionally and using vulgar language

She got fired for acting unprofessionally and using vulgar languageReddit/Emgirl98

This redditor is satisfied to know that she got fired

This redditor is satisfied to know that she got firedReddit/Emgirl98

OP's coworker clearly escalated the whole situation due to her lack of intractability

OP's coworker clearly escalated the whole situation due to her lack of intractabilityReddit/Emgirl98

They don't need a ton of special knowledge to keep it alive

They don't need a ton of special knowledge to keep it aliveReddit/Emgirl98

How fast did they take her out of there?

How fast did they take her out of there?Reddit/Emgirl98

Some Redditors say that sunlight coming in through a window is "filtered" and far less intense than sunlight coming in directly from the outdoors, when only the sky stands in between the plant and the celestial surface. Most likely, the plant would have been right.

Even if it was so susceptible to indirect sunlight (unlikely), OP's coworker should have given it a permanent residence where it wouldn't be exposed to the brightest light in the first place.
