Simple And Genius Solutions To Everyday Problems That Need To Be Applied In Real Life

Things that make you say 'ahhhh' because they just make so much sense

  • Published in Funny
Simple And Genius Solutions To Everyday Problems That Need To Be Applied In Real Life

We live in such a complicated world. All day long we are met with little challenges and problems, most of which we have just learned to ignore and deal with.

Some people though tend to look at these little issues and need to find a way to fix them. Every day people are coming up with ingenious ways to fix simple, everyday problems. This is a list of 30 ingenious ways people have come up with little fixes to problems.

The kind of things that make you happy on the inside because of how smart they are, things that you would never have though of yourself!

Domestic Violence Help

Domestic Violence Help

Safe space in a bar

Safe space in a bar

When to be respectful at a vets office

When to be respectful at a vets office

Swing for disabled people

Swing for disabled people

Extra lines for close parking

Extra lines for close parking

Color blind lense

Color blind lense

Longer crossing time for the elderly

Longer crossing time for the elderly

3D printed cast

3D printed cast

A foot lever for flushing the toilet

A foot lever for flushing the toilet

Paper for drawing chemistry

Paper for drawing chemistry

Ingredients for banana bread

Ingredients for banana bread

Color coded customer service

Color coded customer service

Explanation of ingredients

Explanation of ingredients

Rubiks cube for blind people

Rubiks cube for blind people

Evacuation plan on the floor for when the room is filled with smoke

Evacuation plan on the floor for when the room is filled with smoke

Urinal with a sink attached

Urinal with a sink attached

Directions on the shopping trolley

Directions on the shopping trolley

A short term kennel

A short term kennel

Anti-run flooring

Anti-run flooring

Lights show which cubicle is in use

Lights show which cubicle is in use

A place to tie up your dog with a tap for water

A place to tie up your dog with a tap for water

Vending machine for anything

Vending machine for anything

Hands Free

Hands Free

Card for under protected kids

Card for under protected kids

Big pizza box folds down to tiny pizza box

Big pizza box folds down to tiny pizza box

Close parking marker

Close parking marker

Pizza box folds out to be a tuxedo

Pizza box folds out to be a tuxedo

Pizza menu

Pizza menu

Mirror shows what the teacher is doing

Mirror shows what the teacher is doing

Shoe shop lets you test shoes on different terrain

Shoe shop lets you test shoes on different terrain