50 Worldwide Design Ideas That Are Actually Ingenius
Have you ever seen a campaign ad so clever you just have to applaud the minds behind it?
- Published in Interesting
If there's one thing that is actually so underrated in this world, it's the existence of designers who always seem to knock their heads off just to find that one idea that could hold anyone by the throat. One primary example of this is Mcdonald's—their campaign posters have just been on point for the past few years.
It's not always in campaigns of fast food chains though, designers and their works are literally everywhere no matter where you look at them. May it be on a billboard, a product packaging, a landscape job, a sculpture, or in architecture, design is the one real thing that truly makes our life feel substantial and alive.
Come to think of it, our eyes see what's beautiful, but once we actually see the significance of what the designs we see are, it provokes our mind to think of how actually brilliant the things we see are. That's the power of human minds, they aren't only great at solving numbers, they are also geniuses in doing creative pursuits that benefit the general public.
That being said, there is even a subreddit called DesignPorn where over 1.2 million people come together to drool over brilliant designs in the form of images and models. The community has grown strong with the people's contribution of high-quality images that show all kinds of excellent design ideas in architecture, industrial, furniture, product design, and many more.
Just check out some of their best posts below!
1. Apartment Building That Holds 150 Trees In Turin
karmagheden2. Pigalle Basketball Court Designed By Ill Studio & Nike
tanmaypendse633. Norwegian Restaurant That's Half-Sunken Into The Sea
post_scriptor4. "Thought This Was A Very Clever Way To Make A Caution Sign. It's Still Highly Visible And Does It's Job But With Some Fun. As An Added Bonus It Was In A Jamba Juice So It Makes Sense With Their Aesthetic"
RGZoro5. "Der Spiegel" Covers 2017 And 2020
xohax6. Umbrella Logo That Only Appears When Wet
justinmantan127. Bed Sheet That Tells You Which Side You Are Holding
NotMyCabbagesAgain8. Wooden Dining Chair
Puzzleheaded-South589. Toronto's Ads Against Littering
Underhat3d10. This Dishwasher That Has A Timer Projecting Onto The Floor
organiksoulkv11. Gothic Architecture Of A Lawyer's House In Saint-Petersburg, Russia (Kelch Mansion)
beersjob12. Enchanting Gothic Victorian House Built In 1888 In Arcata, California
beersjob13. '“It’s The Hat” Clever Ad For Hut Weber, A German Hat Company. One Of My All Time Favorite Clever But Incredibly Simple Advertising Designs'
DangerNoodle80814. Built In Cable Management
ohsobogus15. Canada's Awareness Ad For Seatbelts
tanmaypendse6316. This Adorable Year 2020 Badge Design
dochev3017. Rainbow Apartment Building In Istanbul, Turkey
Cecca10518. Refrigerator With A Lazy Susan
5_Frog_Margin19. Drain Is Placed Right Under The Soap Dispenser So There Are No Stains
droo4620. Giant Iron Tree Built Into The Side Of The Russian Ministry Of Agriculture
snoopdog1621. A Natural Walkway
Whisker_dan22. Swirly Staircase
herodov23. Angled Bottleneck For Easy Filling And Drinking
neeraj_agarwal24. Ford's Ad Campaign When Women Were Finally Allowed To Drive In Saudi Arabia
5_Frog_Margin25. Genius Exit Sign
Andr0ximus26. Igloo Hotels In Lapland, Finland
omermeijk27. Creative Playing Cards
brutalproduct28. This WW1 Memorial In Vácrátót, Hungary
OoORebornOoO29. Bird Bottle Opener
waynology30. Elderly-Friendly Locks (Or Drunk-Friendly)
5_Frog_Margin31. Poster For The Borat 2 Film
shamalamadingdong0032. Time’s New Cover For The Pandemic
sudde00433. This Maintenance Guy's Shirt Is Also A Helpful Sign
Jugglerguy34. Captain Hook Right At The Door
punchdrunk2235. Royal Mail's New Electric Delivery Van
Bigiottiur36. A Contemporary House Glass Ceiling Bedroom
mtlgrems37. Art Nouveau Architecture Of A House Built In The 1880s, Brussels, Belgium
Nadene_Stapleton38. This Multi-Coloured Hair Ad That Makes Use Of The Sky
CheapShotNinia39. Flexible Ladle
dunnO_wat2140. A Suitcase That Can Self-Measure Its Weight
Rimbo9041. Brilliant Deck
mtlgrems42. Milk Jugs Lined Up Forms This Image
Unicorn-Shaman43. "The Architecture Of This Home Office/Library Located In The 13th Arrondissement Of Paris"
neatlysanta44. Railed Benches So You Can Always Sit Under A Shade
DhyeyLim45. Puzzle That Comes With A Stand To Hold The Box Up
ToddlerOlympian46. Bread Knife In A Swiss Restaurant That Shows The Major Peaks In Switzerland
5_Frog_Margin47. "Self-Taught American Artist Brian Mock, Turns Reclaimed Materials Into Breathtaking Sculptures"
j3ffr33d0m48. It's Always Dune No Matter Which Side You Read It, Designed By Alex Trochut
PortlandsBatman49. Beautiful Elvish - Elvin Silverware
cenabollywood50. Packaging For Glasses
sadshuichiWouldn't you agree that the people always listen when the design is effective enough for some campaigns? And wouldn't you agree that these designs are truly so brilliant that everyone ought to take a page and follow through them?
Indeed, these designers must be applauded for these brilliant ideas. Which one was your favorite?
Comment down your thoughts, or share these photos for all your family and friends to see!