15 Seriously Funny Typos That Made It To Print

If you ever had a bad day at work, some of these could make you feel a lot better.

  • Published in Funny
15 Seriously Funny Typos That Made It To Print

If you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times, PROOF READ EVERYTHING! I have a degree in English language, so I'm not going to lie and say that it doesn't thrill me a little when I notice a spelling mistake somewhere, especially in public. It's even funnier though, when those mistakes occur in major publications like newspapers. Maybe it's my immaturity speaking, but this collection below are all PRETTY dang funny. If you've ever made a major mistake at work, take comfort in knowing that someone used the word 'Hitler' in a story about a child baseball player.

This made me laugh wayyy more than it should have.

This made me laugh wayyy more than it should have.

The millenial is me says NO!

The millenial is me says NO!

OUCH! I thought those were from Taco Bell

OUCH! I thought those were from Taco Bell

Furry, furry Trump.

Furry, furry Trump.

I always thrust in Jesus.

I always thrust in Jesus.

No thanks, I'm all set for penis butter.

No thanks, I'm all set for penis butter.

Oh dear... Somebody lost their job over this, I know it.

Oh dear... Somebody lost their job over this, I know it.





Wow. Who knew!!!

Wow. Who knew!!!

... Oh dear.

... Oh dear.

HATE sex clams.

HATE sex clams.

Great price, though.

Great price, though.

No thanks, I'm fine.

No thanks, I'm fine.

EEEEEK! This is not ideal! Nein nein nein!

EEEEEK! This is not ideal! Nein nein nein!