10+ Of The Funniest, Cutest, And Most Ridiculous Cat Veterinary Clinic Stories

Yes, strange things can happen at the vet's office.

  • Published in Animals
10+ Of The Funniest, Cutest, And Most Ridiculous Cat Veterinary Clinic Stories

Most cat owners dislike taking their cats to the vet because it is stressful for both the owner and the cat. It frequently makes the cat feel uneasy—in a new environment, surrounded by unfamiliar people and animals.

Strange things can happen while you're sitting there waiting for your appointment. Yes, strange things do happen!

Some of the people at the vet's office are odd, as some of us have witnessed. We've heard of a guy who took his cat to the vet on a leash and got chewed out by everyone.

We've also seen cat owners shell out hundreds of dollars in vet bills only to discover that their cats have gas. Yeah!

We've seen countless people confuse their veterinarians with their amusing cat names, and we've even read about a rescue cat who lives in a vet hospital and enjoys touching all of the animal patients. Strange things can happen at the vet's office, as you know from last week.

People had a lot of strange stories to tell when asked on a social media platform to tell about their most ridiculous encounter at the vet's office. We were able to compile their stories for you to read and see how strange things can get at the vet's office on a regular basis.

1. Getting the car opened

1. Getting the car openedJessie Wade

2. Wearing a cat mask

Okay, so, not gonna lie, there is a good chance that if you turned around and looked at us angrily with that mask on, we would have also been spooked. We don't know about you, but we have seen some weeeird cat mask over the past two years, the kind of masks that made us truly question who the person behind them was. So, we feel for this dog lol. 

2. Wearing a cat maskJackie Bolejack

3. Depriving her dog of this enrichment opportunity

3. Depriving her dog of this enrichment opportunityDebra Chatham

4. A massive cat in a harness

There is something strange about a massive cat in a harness though, let's be real. It's just that you'd get one of two reactions to it: either freak out like this lady did or start awwing and cooing and ask if we can pet the giant kitty like we would have done. 

4. A massive cat in a harnessBobbi Kay

5. I'll take the mean kitty away

5. I'll take the mean kitty awayRory Downey

6. Just making sure that kitty is okay

6. Just making sure that kitty is okayCheryl Siebert

7. Owner shut up and his dog was embarrassed

7. Owner shut up and his dog was embarrassedAdrienne Kansiewicz

8. Just a pissed off domestic Longhair

8. Just a pissed off domestic LonghairSusan Greene Keal

9. What my 7lb cat did to a 70lb dog

9. What my 7lb cat did to a 70lb dogTracy Miglarese

10. The cat was sedated and still growling at the dogs

10. The cat was sedated and still growling at the dogsAnn S Harris

11. Looks me in the eye and pushes the harness handles over to me

11. Looks me in the eye and pushes the harness handles over to meTina Matejka

12. He was convinced an exotic animal was in the carrier

12. He was convinced an exotic animal was in the carrierCatherine Weis

13. My 25 lb cat having a minor skin irritation

13. My 25 lb cat having a minor skin irritationCharlotte McKee

14. He was a spoiled prince who rained down terror and meanness

14. He was a spoiled prince who rained down terror and meannessMelissa Reid

Our furry friends are so lovely and they enrich our lives with their dramas and tantrums. Their funny nature is utterly infectious; no wonder you are bound to find funny and crazy cat owners at the vet’s office.

We hope you enjoyed these cute and hilarious cat veterinary clinic stories. Let us know your reactions in the comments section below.
