50 Photos Where What's Going On In The Background Is Seriously Hilarious

The days before digital cameras, influencers and Insta-husbands turned out some seriously great photo-background content

  • Published in Funny
50 Photos Where What's Going On In The Background Is Seriously Hilarious

The days before digital camera were a lot simpler. You'd pose, the photographer (pro or amateur) would snap a shot, crank the little wheel, take one more (in case you blinked lol) and then you wouldn't see the photos until you collected them from the lab.

Yes... the lab! There was no, 'show me how it turned out' and retaking the photo 100 times. Not Instagram husbands... it just didn't work that way.

You also couldn't just delete a photo if you didn't like it or if someone walked into the background and ruined it. This gave way for some pretty hilarious blooper pics.

Thankfully, Reddit is a place where a lot of these hilarious photos can be found! Check out 50 of the best below!

1. "Queen Elizabeth Deciding To Join In On Australian Field Hockey Player Jayde Taylor's Selfie."

1. jaydetaylor

2. "My Daughter Thought This Was Her. Bonus: My Son In The Background."

2. Trampolice

3. "Attack Of The Butterfly."

3. Bigforsumthin

4. "My Friend Caught The Bouquet. That Is Her Boyfriend In The Background."

4. FellSamurai

5. "I'm Pretty Sure They Don't Even Know Each Other."

5. gracefuego

6. "Groom's Sister Passed Out At The Exact Moment The Judge Said 'You May Kiss The Bride'."

6. GallowBoob

7. "I Took This Picture Trying To Get A Fun Candid Of The Bride And Groom. Best Choice Ever."

7. phillyd

8. "We're So Happy Fiona Could Be There On Our Special Day."

8. hayley_roll

9. "Hollywood Smile."

9. OceanGoingSoul

10. "Monopoly Man In Background During Equifax Senate Hearing."

10. ImNotLeet

11. "Horses, Such Elegant Creatures."

11. A_fish_called_tiger

12. "Leaning Tower Of Pisa."

12. Jkoos

13. "Photo Bombed By Batman."

13. MeatheadMilitia

14. "Took A Picture With My Friends, Later Noticed The Cops In The Background."

14. reddit.com

15. "Noooo!."

15. sloppyFarts

16. "Just Found This Cute Picture Of Me And My Cousin, And My Psycho Brother In The Background."

16. leahkray

17. "Best Accidental Photobomb Ever."

17. SarkyTyke

18. "Selfie Photo Bomb... Nailed It."

18. SerialPest

19. "Got A New Tux Today And Decided To Get A Picture. I Accidentally Sent This To My Girlfriend."

19. reddit.com

20. "Unicorns Aren't The Only Things That Poop Rainbows...."

20. danorm

21. "Halloween 1989. That's Me On The Right. My Sister Is Behind Me And About To Have A Really Bad Day."

21. BryanwithaY

22. "Not Everyone Had A Greatest Night...."

22. RemoteControlArtist

23. "The Best Picture I Have Ever Taken."

23. heyitslolo

24. "The Old Lady Is A Slash Fan, But She Doesn't Know Slash Is Standing Behind Her."

24. meeganhodges

25. "I Was Trying To Take A Nice Photo Of My Cat When I Noticed The Neighbours Cat In The Background."

25. BeardLover69

26. "On Vacation In California With My Best Friend And Took A Picture With Perfect Timing."

26. Noobytoe

27. "Got A Picture With Woody In Times Square...."

27. kazaamx

28. "That's A Cemetery In The Background."

28. Bombingofdresden

29. "Cute Couple Picture."


30. "It Was That Moment, He Knew He Wanted More."

30. mrmemefirst

31. "The Look Of A Man Who Spend $1000+ On A Seat To Try And Watch A Game Behind Hodor."

31. Intolight

32. "Duck With Burning Background."

32. GallowBoob

33. "My Friends Dog In The Background And Her Sons T-Shirt Match Perfectly."

33. GummieLindsays

34. "Kid In Background Of News Report Gets Stuck In His Lifejacket."


35. "My Sister Was Taking Pictures Of My Nephew At School And The Little Guy In The Back Looks Miserable."

35. Htxbia

36. "Well That's An Impressive Photobomb."

36. vanillapopcorn

37. "Took A Picture Of A Man And Daughter At A Coffee Shop To Show Them What They Would Look Like In 10 Years."

37. Philchil23

38. "Perfect Timing Selfie."

38. ppswwe

39. "Largest Photobomb Ever?."

39. jpawli

40. "Some Friends Took A Picture And Later Realized That The People In The Background Were Stuffing A Baby In A Cannon."

40. 99LS1SS

41. "Baby Photobomb."


42. "Thought I Took A Great Picture Of My Dog Then I Noticed The K9 Centipede In The Background."

42. Zalithelia

43. "He Looks Stunning."

43. drocks27

44. "It's Behind Me... Isn't It?."

44. ngshay

45. "My Brother Posted A Picture On His Birthday. Upon Seeing It I Immediately Started Laughing At Who He Captured In The Background."

45. holycrapidonteven

46. "Cheerleading Practice."

46. Get_Stamosed

47. "A Friend Of Mine Posted A Baby Pic Of Her At Disney... Everyone Was Wayy More Intrigued By What Was Happening In The Background."

47. sasquatchh

48. "A Lady's Hairdo In The Background Makes It Look Like Chewbacca Is Lurking."

48. lolarsystem

49. "My Son Has Conquered The Photobomb."

49. WatermelonPOWAH

50. "Tim Duncan's Accidental Photobomb."

50. jaycrew