40 Hilarious And Relatable Tweets Every Parent Can Understand

I think every parent can find themselves in these tweets.

  • Published in Funny
40 Hilarious And Relatable Tweets Every Parent Can Understand

Of course, everyone knows that being a parent is truly a gift. I think just about every parent will say this, kids really are a blessing.

However, it doesn't mean that things always go smoothly. Sometimes, kids can annoy you and that's just how it is.

Other times they act like smart-asses and they can get really sassy about it too. Kids can also put you in a really uncomfortable situation in public, which honestly happens very often.

But we're not trying to make little kids sound bad. All of this is true for most of the little rascals but they're still the one thing that can put a genuine smile on the face of every person.

We've all been through this same phase of our lives, so we have to understand what they're going through. When the unending curiosity of a child meets the big world we live in, they see it as a huge mystery that they have to uncover.

During this time you can enjoy hearing your child make observations about the world which he will make sure to share with you. These parents decided to share their experiences on Twitter and since we enjoyed them so much we had to make sure more people see them.

1. He just wanted to come along

1. He just wanted to come alongHenpeckedHal

2. What's wrong with Minecraft?

2. What's wrong with Minecraft?IDontSpeakWhine

3. You can see the education curve.

3. You can see the education curve.VisionBored1

4. We're all equal.

4. We're all equal.HelenAshby72

5. An incredible talent.

5. An incredible talent.mommajessiec

6. A true professional.

6. A true professional. pro_worrier_

7. What can stop you if your dress has pockets?

7. What can stop you if your dress has pockets?XplodingUnicorn

8. People are indeed very big.

8. People are indeed very big.naanking

9. Something's not right.

9. Something's not right.eileencurtright

10. Simon can rule the world.

10. Simon can rule the world.MumInBits

11. Yeah that's not what you want to hear.

11. Yeah that's not what you want to hear.JennyPentland

12. Try explaining that one to your wife.

12. Try explaining that one to your wife.surlybassey

13. Must have been a tough marshmallow.

13. Must have been a tough marshmallow.Chhapiness

14. A toxic relationship indeed.

14. A toxic relationship indeed.snarkymomtobe

15. That's true sportsmanship.

15. That's true sportsmanship.coachkeith_1k


16. MOORE DEODORANT.sweetmomissa

17. Yeah they're great.

17. Yeah they're great.JessicaValenti

18. What do you mean it's not a coaster?

18. What do you mean it's not a coaster?ElieNYC

19. Family activities.

19. Family activities.mommajessiec

20. A future lawyer.

20. A future lawyer.XplodingUnicorn

21. Good way to handle that.

21. Good way to handle that.MrTomRad

22. At least 2 weeks.

22. At least 2 weeks.Chhapiness

23. A rookie mistake.

23. A rookie mistake.HenpeckedHal

24. Fully deserved.

24. Fully deserved.RadioFreeTom

25. It all makes sense now.

25. It all makes sense now.ksujulie

26. A progressive state of mind.

26. A progressive state of mind.Dad_At_Law

27. Yeah that won't be needed.

27. Yeah that won't be needed.HomeWithPeanut

28. Wouldn't want to make them feel lonely.

28. Wouldn't want to make them feel lonely.Lottie_Poppie

29. That's a 1-star review right there.

29. That's a 1-star review right there.MumInBits

30. You fell for the oldest trick in the book.

30. You fell for the oldest trick in the book.Lollardfish

31. Who's really being punished here.

31. Who's really being punished here.VisionBored1

32. They start young.

32. They start young.SnarkyMommy78

33. Learning what matters most.

33. Learning what matters most.Dad_At_Law

34. It's smooth sailing going forward.

34. It's smooth sailing going forward.LizerReal

35. Sounds fair.

35. Sounds fair.Dad_At_Law

36. Can't hide the sound of chips.

36. Can't hide the sound of chips.simoncholland

37. Time for a new hobby.

37. Time for a new hobby.ddsmidt

38. Best thing you could find.

38. Best thing you could find.TheRealPalMal

39. Fair enough.

39. Fair enough.Daisyldoo

40. Abrakadabra!

40. Abrakadabra!HomeWithPeanut

It's incredible just how accurate and funny these tweets are. Parenting isn't always going to go smoothly but the bumps in the road are definitely the most fun part.

We have to understand that as kids grow they will say and do the craziest things. But you just have to go along with it and adapt as time goes on.

At the end of the day, every parent is grateful for their kids and as much as they might complain now, every parent is sad to see their child grow up.
