Redditors Drag Man To Filth For Getting His Coworker Fired After Reporting Her For Reacting To His Ridiculous "Funny Jokes"
"I was only trying to make a joke"
- Published in Interesting
There are people who love making jokes, thinking that the person to whom the joke is addressed would find it funny too. There are jokes that make fun of specific groups, and it may have made you laugh out loud.
Usually, laughing and being "in on" the joke makes you feel wonderful. But you should know that while every joke has an explicit meaning, a lot of them also convey a subliminal, unfavorable message that we might not be aware of or even be expressing.
Even if they aren't there, our jokes at other people's expense convey a clear distinction between "insiders" and "outsiders." Additionally, if we happen to be a part of the targeted group, such humor can damage our performance, sense of self-worth, and loyalty.
The original poster for today's story is a server at a restaurant. He would always make these dumb but funny jokes about babysitting his co-worker, Sophia, considering he's older than she is and he's been working there longer than her.
One day, OP made a joke, which left her embarrassed and very upset. She didn’t speak to the OP for the rest of the shift, only for one of the prep cooks to ask him why he treated her like that and even say that he traumatized her.
One thing led to the other, and the OP reported her to the shift lead, and she got fired later on.
And now, the OP's asking...
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43OP says his coworker is barely an adult but he still made those jokes about her when she was still 17
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43The problem is that OP's coworker got bullied when she was in high school for these exact reasons
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43The coworker went and got the manager to check them because she wasn’t going to speak to the OP
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:
My reasoning as to why I feel like I am is because a lot of the other coworkers were coming at me for it and because she got fired for complaining to HR and also because of the fact that Sophia was bullied badly in high school for it I’ve started to feel really bad and I’d like to know what it is that I can do to make things right.
And the comments roll in...
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43The OP is the absolute worst kind of person
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43The jokes the OP made doesn't seem funny and she didn't want to associate with him
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43The OP should seek help if he doesn't see anything wrong with his actions
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43She literally showed the OP that she is uncomfortable by the way he joked
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43OP's behavior is abhorrent and he should be ashamed of himself
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43It's funny the OP thinks she's a baby when he's the big baby here
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43If anything, the OP is the baby here and he needs babysitting
Reddit/Puzzleheaded-Home-43Many redditors agreed that if the OP had any decency at all, he would be honest with his employer about his actions, strive to have her hired again, and then resign. But then, some say that the OP might be too self-centered to act morally.
There were witnesses to the OP's unethical actions, and Redditors hoped she would follow through on her solid claim of workplace harassment. As you can tell, the OP was declared the AH.