These Disney Puns Will Always Be Funny No Matter What

Look back at this in 20 years and it will still be funny

Elzaan Van der merwe
  • Published in Disney
These Disney Puns Will Always Be Funny No Matter What

People all over have puns for everything! From food to animals to clothing and it sure makes us laugh out loud because there is nothing better than a pun joke. Where to find the best one? Well, technically you can find meme's and jokes all over the internet, but we have the best ones.

Why do we have the best ones you ask? It's because we have a list of the best and most memorable Disney puns that will have you rolling on the floor laughing or just breath a little harder if you don't do the whole laughing thing.

Regardless, you absolutely have to scroll down now and take a look at these hilarious Disney puns that will be remembered years from now!

Dat Knee though!

He's got a hunch, get it?

He's got a hunch, get it?Pinterest

A new spin on Hakuna Matata

A new spin on Hakuna MatataTumblr

She found her accounts frozen

She found her accounts frozenPinterest

Yeah, this one just ruined everything!

They found Emo



Another Belle one

Another Belle onePinterest

The knock knock pun

The knock knock punPinterest

"Jafar, Janear..."


With a little Titanic twist

With a little Titanic twistPinterest

The great Ellen giving us a pun joke

Oh Gaston!

Oh Gaston!Pinterest

We now present Beauty and The Yeast

We now present Beauty and The YeastPinterest

Ariel and her shopping spree

Ariel and her shopping spreePinterest

The Peter Pan pun

The Peter Pan punPinterest

"He Neverlands" Good one!

Well, that's one way to put it

Well, that's one way to put itPinterest

We all have heard this one before

We all have heard this one beforePinterest

Someday they will come dear princess

Someday they will come dear princessPinterest

Where is this Frozen turkey, I want one!

The all too well known bra joke

The all too well known bra jokePinterest

He is now known as "Moustacha"

He is now known as Pinterest

And this person took it to an academic level

Elzaan Van der merwe