Dogs Are So Funny They Give Us A Reason To Laugh Every Day

List one good reason not to appreciate these dogs for how funny and delightful they are.

  • Published in Animals
Dogs Are So Funny They Give Us A Reason To Laugh Every Day

Dogs can be so weird. If you've been waiting for a reason to celebrate the unique weirdness that dogs bring to the human world, this collection of dog themed evidence just might be what you've been waiting for.

People turn to the vastness of the Internet to share the weird dogs, funny dogs, endearing dog moments, and joyful things they witness their dog do. They do all these things regarding their dogs on a regular basis.

We've collected all of these ridiculous dogs and their absurd dog moments into one little package just for your consumption. We know how much you enjoy laughing at dogs.

There is no shortage of weirdo dogs here, but you do have just as much reason to laugh at the dogs as you have to smile at the dogs and even reflect on how sweet our dog friends are as well as how much dogs truly enrich our lives.

1. When your dog says, "hurry the heck up!"

1. When your dog says, reddit

2. When The Shining goes horribly right

2. When The Shining goes horribly rightreddit

3. Not all dogs are good bois but this one definitly is. Just kidding, all dogs are good bois.

3. Not all dogs are good bois but this one definitly is. Just kidding, all dogs are good bois.reddit

4. So many dog facial expressions to appreciate, not enough time with dogs.

4. So many dog facial expressions to appreciate, not enough time with dogs.reddit

5. Unexpectedly cold mornings be like that

5. Unexpectedly cold mornings be like thatreddit

6. What a disguise!

6. What a disguise!reddit

7. "I'm your homework now." - The Dog

7. reddit

8. Asserting dominance, I see.

8. Asserting dominance, I see.reddit

9. A helpful book.

9. A helpful book.reddit

10. A great battle took place between the dog and the stuffy.

10. A great battle took place between the dog and the stuffy.reddit

11. C O Z Y

11. C O Z Yreddit

12. Doin a cozy

12. Doin a cozyreddit

13. They simply must, and you should support your dog's desire to destroy the stuffy.

13. They simply must, and you should support your dog's desire to destroy the stuffy.reddit

14. Sharing is caring among dogs.

14. Sharing is caring among dogs.reddit

15. After your bath...

15. After your bath...reddit

16. This dog is unamused as heck

16. This dog is unamused as heckreddit

17. Dog knows what dog wants

17. Dog knows what dog wantsreddit

18. Same, tho

18. Same, thoreddit

19. Oh that's interesting....

19. Oh that's interesting....reddit

20. Majestic as heck.

20. Majestic as heck.reddit

21. Indestructible is subjective.

21. Indestructible is subjective.reddit