The Funny Parts Of Our Daily Lives Illustrated In These 21 Cute Comic Strips
Despite our mundane lives, interesting things are bound to happen.

Life is interesting. One day, we go through different difficulties that push our minds and bodies to the limits.
We cry, get frustrated, and even have some sleepless nights. Years after experiencing those seemingly unending challenges, we look back and laugh at our past selves.
The cycle goes on. Such is life.
For others, life is mundane and boring. But at some point, you tend to remember some moments that made you happy. Maybe it's your dog or cat doing the silliest of things, or your significant other surprising you with a gift you didn't expect.
If you have excellent creativity and a talent for drawing, it's possible to draw inspiration from your own life. You may find something ordinary, until another person points it out, telling you it's unusual and interesting.
Those things can be a great source of comic relief for people. These happenings are what inspired an artist named Valérie Minelli to create comic strips.
With her quirky art style, she managed to have a huge following on social media, drawing scenarios that people can easily relate to.
For your viewing enjoyment, we have gathered some of her most recent comics. Check them out and enjoy them as your scroll and read through her strips.
1. You can hardly do anything if you have a headache.

2. But that doesn't stop you from talking about it with your partner.

3. Admit it. Sometimes, we use headaches to get some attention.

4. We also hope that the kiss will take all the pain away.

5. But in reality, nothing changes. The headache is still there.

6. So we're left with no choice but to deal with it the way science tells us to.
It's the thought that counts, though!

7. You watch Ninja Warrior and you're so amazed with what the contestants can do.

8. Suddenly, a thought comes as you watch while eating pizza. Maybe you can also perform those sick ninja moves.

9. When a piece of snack falls on the floor, you don't want to waste it.

10. So you try to pick it up.

11. And crack your back.

12. The floor wins! You don't get the chip, plus your back hurts.

13. You try to ask for help.

14. But the boyfriend did the same thing with another snack.

15. Buying a new video game as soon as it gets released is the best feeling ever.

16. What're you saying? Nothing's wrong with a little competition!

17. Every single person has a competitive spirit.

18. This is so true when it comes to fighting games.

19. Someone loses.

20. But losing is part of it.

21. When you need to scratch your back and your hands are full, it's always great to have someone else scratch it.

Every day is full of interesting things if you take the time to look for them, and Mrs.fraulein's works are the proof. Sometimes it takes a little bit of effort to change your perspective, but it's always worth it.
And maybe you can turn those simple stories into a project that will entertain people.
What was the most interesting thing that happened to you today?