25 Of The Most Hilarious Canadian Memes That Show How Different Canadians Are Built

Canada is not immune from becoming a meme, just like any other place on the planet

  • Published in Funny
25 Of The Most Hilarious Canadian Memes That Show How Different Canadians Are Built

Canada is a country full of wonders. There are many things to adore about the nation, including its natural beauty and kindhearted inhabitants.

Canada, however, is not immune from becoming a meme, just like any other place on the planet. The fundamental cause of this is that Canada is associated with a variety of stereotypes on a worldwide scale, from upstanding to "very Canadian."

While scrolling through your feed online, you may have read a few posts about amusing and peculiar things that only occur in Canada. And a lot of nice feedback has been given to those posts as well.

Even more Internet users have been rolling on the floor in laughter at them. As a result, we dug around on the "Funny Canadian Memes" page a bit and came up with the 25 amusing memes about Canadians that we have gathered up for you below.

For those who don't know, "Funny Canadian Memes" has over 120k followers and is a popular Facebook page. Fun and unusual facts about Canadians are gathered and shared on this page. 

And their funny posts demonstrate to us how different Canadians really are physically from the rest of the world. See how Canadians rank among the funniest memes by scrolling down to the list below.

1. Can’t get more Canadian than this

1. Can’t get more Canadian than thisFunny Canadian Memes

2. How cold is it where you live?

2. How cold is it where you live?Funny Canadian Memes

3. Canadian women are on another level

3. Canadian women are on another levelFunny Canadian Memes

4. I can totally relate to this

4. I can totally relate to thisFunny Canadian Memes

5. A classic one I must say

5. A classic one I must sayFunny Canadian Memes

6. Better slap these puppies on soon

6. Better slap these puppies on soonFunny Canadian Memes

7. We literally just stay and watch your election

7. We literally just stay and watch your electionFunny Canadian Memes

8. Snow won’t stop a Canadian from patronizing you!

8. Snow won’t stop a Canadian from patronizing you!Funny Canadian Memes

9. They’re just built different up here

9. They’re just built different up hereFunny Canadian Memes

10. If you're there or you've been there, you know it's true history!

10. If you're there or you've been there, you know it's true history!Funny Canadian Memes

11. Haha... It's my choice

11. Haha... It's my choiceFunny Canadian Memes

12. Facts... Bugs have returned to hell where they belong

12. Facts... Bugs have returned to hell where they belongFunny Canadian Memes

13. Buddy planted larch trees in the Douglas fir forest to create a smiley face. It returns each fall and makes a happy showing

13. Buddy planted larch trees in the Douglas fir forest to create a smiley face. It returns each fall and makes a happy showingFunny Canadian Memes

14. Hahahahhahahahaha... Be very careful with what you say next

14. Hahahahhahahahaha... Be very careful with what you say nextFunny Canadian Memes

15. Sadly, you have a warm place to starve to death

15. Sadly, you have a warm place to starve to deathFunny Canadian Memes

16. 10c is warm... Okay, let's go

16. 10c is warm... Okay, let's goFunny Canadian Memes

17. It can only be seen in Canada

17. It can only be seen in CanadaFunny Canadian Memes

18. Very satisfying I must say

18. Very satisfying I must sayFunny Canadian Memes

19. You have to fear these deadly cobra chickens

19. You have to fear these deadly cobra chickensFunny Canadian Memes

20. True fact

20. True factFunny Canadian Memes

21. Let’s play “who’s lane is it anyways”

21. Let’s play “who’s lane is it anyways”Funny Canadian Memes

22. Check out the fashion at a Canadian bar

22. Check out the fashion at a Canadian barFunny Canadian Memes

23. Truth... There is no greater athlete than that

23. Truth... There is no greater athlete than thatFunny Canadian Memes

24. Exactly as it is

24. Exactly as it isFunny Canadian Memes

25. So true

25. So trueFunny Canadian Memes

Although the word "stereotype" has a negative connotation, this collection of memes highlights the distinctiveness of Canadian culture and eccentricities. After all, the internet enjoys making the funniest possible fun of Canada.

Which of these memes piqued your interest the most? Leave a comment below and share this post to your loved ones as well.
