40 Funny Bird Posts That Are Too Adorable Not To Share
In a world where dogs and cats go viral on social media, more often than not, birds get the short end of the stick.

In a world where dogs and cats go viral on social media, more often than not, birds get the short end of the stick. I mean, let's be honest, when was the last time you saw a post about a cute bird?
Yep, exactly! Well, we're about to change that because we have 40 posts featuring adorable, funny, and quirky birds right here for your enjoyment.
So, if - like us - you believe that our feathered friends should get just as much attention as the furry ones, don't forget to share these cuties with the world when you're done. Scroll down to enjoy some of the sweetest and funniest 'birb' posts on the internet.
#1 Momma Bird Posing With Her Newly Hatched Baby Bird

#2 Warm Sits

#3 My Husband Is A Disney Princess

#4 Murder Cats On Naval Drones. A Truly Frightening Weapon

#5 Pantaloonbirbs

#6 These Software Updates Are Getting Out Of Hand

#7 Bird Flew In Our Patio And Decided To Take A Break On Our Cat

#8 Sorry, Occupied!

#9 America's Current Mood

#10 Civil War

#11 Muabirbs

#12 This Bird That Looks Like Danny Devito

#13 Phone Thief Birb

#14 "Owl Always Love You"

#15 Me: I Don't Want A New Bird, They Only Bond To You And Want Nothing To Do With Me! New Bird:

#16 Popsiclebirb

#17 Fearbirb

#18 This Hawk Has Approximately Zero Fucks To Give.

#19 Shybirb

#20 Just As Written In A Song

#21 Straight From A K-Pop Album Cover

#22 My Bird Tucked Herself In Goodnight

#23 Snowy Egret On A Windy Day

#24 Who Lost His Drone?

#25 Omenbirb

#26 Way To Be Discreet, Surveillance Drone...

#27 Advanced Owl Model Activates It’s Drill

#28 I Work At A Bird Banding Station, And We Use Burritos To Weigh The Owls We Catch

#29 Proof Of The Light Wight Metal They Use!

#30 These Cameras Are Getting More Complex Every Day

#31 Cozy Blanket Birbs

#32 Jean Birb Vandamme

#33 Seconds Before Disaster Birb

#34 Evolutionbirb

#35 Good Law Abiding Birds

#36 Whoa! This Hawk On My Neighbors Fence.

#37 Mcbirb

#38 In Hindsight, Letting My Little, Green, Velociraptor Watch ‘Jurassic Park’ With Me May Have Been A Mistake!

#39 Big Yawn

#40 Some Fijne Nsa Work Here...
