Some Of The Best Signs From The Simpsons That Are Accurate AF
Not only did they predict the future but they displayed signs in the show that are hilarious down to the smallest detail

The Simpsons is one of the longest-running shows in the world. Over the course of three decades, it gained millions of fans, and there is hardly a person in the entire world who knows nothing about the show.
This humorous take on the modern American family had an enormous impact on pop culture and actually predicted some events. (And, sadly, that says a lot about the world today).
With the people focusing on the obvious funny things in the show and the storyline, there is some important and amusing stuff they often miss – the signs. They are the best proof of how well this whole show is thought of and how everything about is funny, even the smallest things.
We have collected some of the funniest signs from the show, and we know you are going to enjoy them as much as we did.
1. "Not racist"

2. "Bye, friend"

3. "A sign, not a cop"

4. "The blame"

5. Bye, pop...

6. A horrible, horrible thing...

7. "Born free"

8. "Free autopsy"

9. Gun store

10. A yellowish cab...

11. A kind of prison

12. "Free beer"

13. What is it?

14. " A yearbook office"

15. "Plain evil"

16. Fun...

17. Don’t miss the turn…

18. Pot Palace

19. "Do not touch"

20. Appeals....

21. Asbestos...

22. Bye, bug....

23. Please...

24. No comment...

25. It is possible...

26. U2

27. For hwr

28. Canceled

29. Just do it...

30. A morale booster…

31. Bye, tree...

32. Not good....

33. Be careful...

34. Well, someone should….

35. Gas leak can wait....