People From An Online Community Share Their Dogs' Real Names Along With The Funny Nicknames They Came Up With

From nicknames inspired by their dogs personalities to ones that came from their dog's habits, users shared multiple fun monikers.

People From An Online Community Share Their Dogs' Real Names Along With The Funny Nicknames They Came Up With

Nicknames for dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but why do we have them in the first place? Is there a specific reason we give our furry friends unique monikers?

When it comes to pet names, the sky's the limit. From classics like Rover or Fido to more inventive monikers like Waffles or Meatloaf, pet owners have endless options for their furry friends. 

According to a survey, pet owners often give their dogs nicknames based on their physical characteristics or personality traits. Over half of responders stated that they chose their pet's name because it seemed to fit them perfectly. 

So while our pets might not know (or care) what we call them, pet names serve as a reflection of how much we know and love our furry companions. And if you're curious about what other people call their dogs, you'll have fun scrolling through the posts we've collected today.

On the Dogs subreddit, a user named hotmesssketch asked fellow pet owners what their dogs' nicknames are. Redditors delivered not just one but multiple fun nicknames that reflect their personalities!

Some nicknames were inspired by the odd habits of their dogs. Scroll down to see how creative dog owners can be when it comes to naming their beloved pets.

A Redditor was curious about what nicknames other pet owners gave their dogs.

A Redditor was curious about what nicknames other pet owners gave their dogs.hotmesssketch

This doggo prolly loves picking up stuff — even the ones they're not supposed to get.

This doggo prolly loves picking up stuff — even the ones they're not supposed to get.AggravatingGoal4728, hotmesssketch

Roxy's many names

Roxy's many namesveglovehike

A dog owner wants rhyming nicknames for her puppers.

A dog owner wants rhyming nicknames for her puppers.Sweetheartnora45

Nicknames inspired by Ren's multiple facets.

Nicknames inspired by Ren's multiple facets.Content-Tank-4357

Naming dogs after food is a common thing.

Naming dogs after food is a common thing.hotmesssketch

Doggo thinks her name is "Pig."

Doggo thinks her name is Accomplished-Move936

This nickname came from the doggo's odd habit.

This nickname came from the doggo's odd habit.low_key_crazies

Philip's other name

Philip's other namecrystalBdonuts

That's a lot of names for the Doberman.

That's a lot of names for the Doberman.Emergency_Memory699

When a dog is given a common human name

When a dog is given a common human nameSpiritual-Computer73

That's a cute nickname!

That's a cute nickname!bookworm1421

Others want to steal nickname ideas.

Others want to steal nickname ideas.Ohnonotuto4, curious_astronauts

Scout's very long name

Scout's very long namedmg-1918

The doggo knows all her nicknames.

The doggo knows all her nicknames.dazbekzul

From Ranger to Rongus

From Ranger to RongusKMac243

A singing doggo's nickname

A singing doggo's nicknameSilent-user9481

We wonder where the latter name came from.

We wonder where the latter name came from.investinlove

Trixie has different versions of her name plus a whole lot more!

Trixie has different versions of her name plus a whole lot more!marquisdelafayette3

The doggos have a collective nickname.

The doggos have a collective nickname.tmollytrace

Big Z's not her real name. But she loves her nickname anyway.

Big Z's not her real name. But she loves her nickname anyway.DogIsBetterThanCat

As you can see, some of these people didn't choose the typical "Spot" or "Brownie" as nicknames for their dogs. The monikers were inspired by the uniqueness of their puppers

So, why do we have multiple nicknames for our dogs? I think it’s because we love them so much and they bring us so much joy that we want to give them as many names as possible!

They are our best friends, after all. And, just like our human friends, each nickname represents a different aspect of their personality that we adore.

So go ahead and call your pup whatever you want! They’ll still be the same wagging-tail, a big-hearted dog that you love no matter what.

How many nicknames did you give your dog? How did you come up with the names?
