40 Lesser-Known Facts About Animals That Prove That We Are So Lucky To Exist At The Same Time As Them
Animals are so cool and these facts will prove it to you!

One of the greatest joys about living on this planet is the diverse and exciting range of animals that live alongside us. Especially in the age of David Attenborough, in which, through his incredible documentaries, we get to see animals in their natural habitat right from our very own living rooms.
Now I am not naive enough to bother comparing this compilation of animal facts to a David Attenborough documentary, because he is just straight-up way too cool. But, these little known animal facts are still incredible and they will definitely make you say “aww.”
First things first though, not to get all doom and gloom, but thanks to climate change the number of species on this planet falls every single day. Through deforestation, land clearing, desertification, pollution and more—all human actions, we are killing many of earth’s most incredible creatures, and ruining their natural habitats: all hope is not lost, and there is still time for a change.
On a more positive side, we are so incredibly blessed to get to learn so much about such cool and unique creatures. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to learn some fun facts about animals that you can bust out and impress your friends with.
1. The axolotl is also known as the "water monster" or the "Mexican walking fish." Look at its little smile!

2. Seals perform this cute banana pose when they feel safe and content

3. The American Kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America and it is beautiful

4. Gibbons are monogomas!

5. Red pandas stand on the back legs to appear taller and more frightening.

6. Dogs sneeze while playing with other dogs to let them know it's not serious

7. Pygmy hippos are super endangered and there were less than 3,000 in the wild.
The San Diego bred one for the first time in 30 years and his name is Akobi.

8. The black-footed cat (Felis Nigripes) is the smallest cat in Africa, but doesn't let that hold it back and can hunt prey much larger than itself.

9. This African Grey Parrot named Alex, is the only animal to ask an existential question.
Alex asked what colour he was!

10. Birds love to use animal fur for their nests--so after you finish brushing your cat or dog, leave it out for them to find!

11. When orphaned baby bats are resuced, they get wrapped snuggly in blankets to mimic their mother's wings

12. These squirrels in California have learnt to defend themselves from rattlesnakes!

13. Pigs are known for being intelligent and sociable animals!

14. One of the rarest cats in the world is the Chinese Mountain Cat, and was only captured on camera for the first time in 2007.

15. Marine iguanas have a close relationship with lava lizards, and the lizards often hunt flies from around them.

16. The Manul Cat from Central Asia has the longest and densest fur of all the cat species.
I have a new favourite cat species and this is it!

17. This is an elephant shrew. They are related to shrews, but more closely related to elephants!

18. This is a Mountain Gorilla. They are nearly extinct and there are only 800 left.

19. Capybaras are social animals and they love hanging out with other creatures!

20. Aardwolves: not an aaedvark, not a wolf, either!

21. These sand cats have evolved to adapt especially in the desert!

22. Secretary birds have fantastic legs! They have been known to stomp snakes, and a single kick can deliver 195 newtons of force!

23. Hippos bones are so dense and heavy that they can't actually really swim! They just push off the ground and bounce along the bottom.

24. This is a mangalica. It is a species of pig that is covered in a long wool coat, kind of like a sheep.

25. King cheetahs have a gene mutation that changes their fur pattern. Their cream fur has large blotchy spots and three dark, wide stripes down their back.
It lowkey looks like they got stuck in a printer and it looks fantastic.

26. Check out these goldcrests, the smallest birds in Europe.

27. Ravens can imitate human speech!

28. Bald eagles don't get their white heads for up to five years.

29. The maned wolf (Chrysocyon Brachyurus) is the largest canid in South America. It is not a fox or a wolf.

30. Snow leopards travel the distance of a marathon each night.

31. Elephants have high intelligence and empathy. They also display "AH HA!" spontaneous moments of problem-solving behaviour.

32. A study showed that "rollie pollies" remove heavy metals from soil and protect the groundwater!

33. When penguin babies get too hot they pant and stick their legs out which cools them off!

34. The aardvark plays an important role in preventing wildfire deaths.

35. Australian "firehawk" raptors, just like this Black Kite, have been found to intentionally spread wildfires!

36. Manatees have no real natural predators, so they just chill out all the time.

37. Wolverines, when trained properly, can resuce avalanche survivors.

38. Beavers Have Orange Because of their high iron content (so they are strong enough to chew through wood), the beavers teeth are orange.

39. The Southern Viscacha is native to parts of South America and spends most of its day napping!

40. Meet an echidna! Native to Australia, they are one of the only mammals that lays eggs.

These facts are certainly better than the usual cat and dog facts you come across, aren't they? Personally, I love learning new things that I can whip out to impress people (especially at trivia nights) and I think animal facts are an undervalued area.
In general, you learn a bunch of animal facts when you're a child but by the time you grow up you forget them because you are forced to learn trigonometry and other useless things. But hopefully, this post has rekindled your love for animals and taught you some new facts I hope you appreciate all of the beautiful creatures around the world.