Memes About Friday the 13th That Are As Funny As They Are Scary
The day of "bad luck," has been making big rounds on social media this year!

Superstitions surrounding 13th and the number 13 may go as far back in history as Ancient Greece and can be seen riddled throughout religious history (Christianity and Norse Mythology.) However, the allure of a superstitious filled Friday the 13th is a 20th century concoction and these days, society is really running with it.
Whether or not you believe Friday the 13th is a dangerous day or a fun day, you're bound to see people line up for tattoos (a lot of specials are held at shops all over the world on any Friday the 13th,) or you might see people remind you to be nice to black cats. But over the last few years what we've seen the most of is how meme culture has taken a firm grasp on this spoopy day and gone wild.
1. An Iconic Horror Villain

2. BOO!

3. Get it? Because they kill horny teenagers? Ba-Dum-Tiss!

4. Thanks, I hate it.

5. Millennial logic: pls murder me

6. Friday the 13th gets Spongebob'd

7. Only the teenagers though.

8. Where do we sign up?

9. Did I mention the begging to be murdered yet?

10. Oh look, a crossover.
Trust me, Area 51 Memes were hype so this crossover meme is fantastic.

11. Ooooohhhhhhhhh

12. SMH, same sh*t, different day.

13. ...Oh. I see.

14. Too far? Too far.

15. Looney Tooning it

16. Brings a tear to one's eye.

17. It sounds logical but IDK

18. Going out with a bang.

19. Sweet dreams!

20. Ominous.

21. Big Meme Energy

22. Can we NOT
23. Well, okay then.
24. Painfully accurate.
We all know someone who enjoys macabre humor, don't forget to share with your friends!