Check Out Some Of The Wildest Controversies And Scandals You May Have Forgotten About

Over the years, many of these crazy scandals have skipped our memories, but someone decided to open a can of worms today.

Check Out Some Of The Wildest Controversies And Scandals You May Have Forgotten About

When you put a bunch of people together, you can only expect controversy and more controversy. And isn’t that what the earth is? A bunch of people staying together? 

As expected, the world is rife with controversy. So much so that it happens almost every minute somewhere in the world.

With the advent of technology and specifically social media, it’s much easier to get front-row seats to these controversies, which, let’s face it, are as fascinating as they are disturbing.

Despite how interesting these controversies are, it's easy to forget about them with so much happening in one's life.

We can’t entirely blame people, though. When new hot topics pop up daily, it’s hard to keep track of the previous ones.

However, we found a Redditor who is having nothing of this forgetfulness. They decided to open a can of worms by asking a question on Reddit that incited many responses.

It went this way: “What’s a massive scandal/controversy people seem to have forgotten about?”

You can already imagine that people had quite a lot to say about this, can’t you? 

We bet you’re eager to know how people answered this question. Luckily we won’t hold out on you much longer. Scroll down, and let’s get to the juicy stuff.

For more info: Reddit

This Redditor decided to open a can of worms

This Redditor decided to open a can of wormsLate_Cicada6740 /

The post went viral, garnering 42.2K up votes and 19.7k comments. Here's how other users responded to the question:

"The FBI knew the pedophile Larry Nassar was a molesting child gymnasts and allowed him to continue for years"

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"The NYC Mayor's wife misplaced a whole lot of money and nobody seems to care"

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The news about the assassination of former Haitian president, Jovenel Moïse, seems to have fizzled out

The news about the assassination of former Haitian president, Jovenel Moïse, seems to have fizzled outLate_Cicada6740 /

"Nurdles. Except it wasn't forgotten about, nobody cared to begin with."

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The mysterious disappearance of scientology’s ‘First Lady’

The mysterious disappearance of scientology’s ‘First Lady’Late_Cicada6740 /

"Those Turpin siblings that escaped being chained to their beds by their shi**y parents"

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The Ticketmaster scandal where the ticketing company was accused of running its own professional scalping racket

The Ticketmaster scandal where the ticketing company was accused of running its own professional scalping racketLate_Cicada6740 /

"Recycling" might just be the biggest scam. And according to this Redditor, "we just ignore"

You’d be amazed and disgusted at how much stuff you think you are recycling that your municipalities are shipping off to other countries just so they can dump it in the ocean for you.

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"The Hyundai plant in Alabama has employed 50 under aged workers. Some of them are as young as 12 years old"

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"Wells Fargo bank opening BS accounts and submitting credit card applications on behalf of their customers....without their knowledge or consent"

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"Airlines getting bailed out by taxpayers during crisis and with executives still taking huge bonuses"

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"South Korea was literally being ruled by a cult"

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"Pilot truck stops stole around $250 million dollars from their customers"

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$250 million?

$250 million?Late_Cicada6740 /

"MP Pedophile Dossier. A bunch of UK politicians were caught "borrowing" children for an orphanage for all the unspeakable things you can imagine"

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Who remembers the 2016 Panama papers leak?

Who remembers the 2016 Panama papers leak?Late_Cicada6740 /

Don't tell us you've forgotten about the "Boy George" scandal?

Don't tell us you've forgotten about the Late_Cicada6740 /

"That McDonald’s monopoly sweepstakes? None of the big prize winning pieces ever made it to stores"

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Remember the New Jersey lawsuit that alleged that DuPont had been poisoning the drinking water used by 70,000 people while producing Teflon?

Remember the New Jersey lawsuit that alleged that DuPont had been poisoning the drinking water used by 70,000 people while producing Teflon?Late_Cicada6740 /

The post indeed inspired a lot of shocking throwbacks that were some of the biggest headlines when they were first revealed.

It won't be surprising to discover that a few of you had never heard about some of these scandals until today. But, no worries, that's why we're here.

Before we let you go, tell us which of these scandals /controversies shocked you the most. We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.
