18 People Who Followed Instructions To A T, And The Results Are Hilarious

Sometimes, it's easier to assume that what people say is what they mean, so this is what taking things literally looks like

  • Published in Funny
18 People Who Followed Instructions To A T, And The Results Are Hilarious

There are some people who take everything literally. Literally. In their defense, sometimes the instructions are not clear. 

We have collected some of the funniest posts about people being too literate. It is obvious that some of these “mistakes” were made on purpose, just for the fun of it. But for some of them, we are not sure. And one cannot but wonder, what would happen if someone would say “go to hell” to those people? On purpose or not, they are funny.

 So, scroll on down and pick your favorite. We are sure you will find them funny as we did. 

1. Be careful what you wish for.

1. Be careful what you wish for.reddit.com

2. Next time be more specific.

2. Next time be more specific.@JaysonCoakley

3. He really loves his selfie stick.

3. He really loves his selfie stick.timelymanner85

4. Genius.

4. Genius.toremygooch

5. Dick, I mean Matt.

5. Dick, I mean Matt.reddit.com

6. A little bit of everything.

6. A little bit of everything.Seely2593

7. The unclear instructions are to blame.

7. The unclear instructions are to blame.kingeryck

8. This guy invented a new meal.

8. This guy invented a new meal.reddit.com

9. Simplest possible way.

9. Simplest possible way.itissafedownstairs

10. She did.

10. She did.llimeygrl

11. She was told to place her shoes by the door.

11. She was told to place her shoes by the door.eimmaj

12. Sometimes when you ask your kid to put the shampoo and conditioner in the bathroom, you get this:

12. Sometimes when you ask your kid to put the shampoo and conditioner in the bathroom, you get this:arbucklefatty

13. His parents told him he can’t go outside.

13. His parents told him he can’t go outside.rerational

14. You must obey the traffic signs.

14. You must obey the traffic signs.boredcircuits

15. Only monocycles.

15. Only monocycles.Onixlee37

16. He sure drove through it…

16. He sure drove through it…@Jscunningham1

17. A great deal.

17. A great deal.imgur

18. And Siri, but we can’t blame her… she is just a machine.

18. And Siri, but we can’t blame her… she is just a machine.jacktheBOSS

If you have some photos of people understanding something literally, share them in the comments section.
