30 of The Best Florida Man Challenges Have Been Found and Put Together In This List

Finally a viral internet trend that's both harmless and hilarious

  • Published in Funny
30 of The Best Florida Man Challenges Have Been Found and Put Together In This List

Viral internet trends can be both good and bad. With the likes of the infamous 'Momo Challenge' and the 'Tide Pod Challenge' its easy to get a bit jaded when thinking about these trends, but along the way sometimes you will find something that is both harmless and hilarious.

That is the category that this challenge falls into - known as the 'Florida Man Challenge'. The idea is simple - you type your birthday and 'Florida Man' into Google and the result defines your future. Sounds pretty easy. Luckily for all of us, Florida is such a weird place that the results of this are absolutely hilarious. We decided to compile a list of the top 30 results that we have seen so far.


#1 So wholesome!

#1 So wholesome!the_babymalu

#2 Darwin Awards

#2 Darwin AwardsPokabu022

#3 Not quite what you would expect!

#3 Not quite what you would expect!Chinchillazllla

#4 This guy can't catch a break

#4 This guy can't catch a break_selinaliu

#5 This is my winner

#5 This is my winnerJetSet024

#6 This seems unlikely

#6 This seems unlikelyxkay7

#7 Held captive by alligators?

#7 Held captive by alligators?ArturoGudio5

#8 This is what guilt looks like

#8 This is what guilt looks likeGusBus2ndPlace

#9 If this is a crime then lock me up.

#9 If this is a crime then lock me up.DanielGreer

#10 Justice was served

#10 Justice was servedBearlyPunny

#11 Again, if this is a crime...

#11 Again, if this is a crime...FPrattiArt

#12 I knew I left those somewhere

#12 I knew I left those somewhereBloodyfasterTV

#13 Florida is a police state!

#13 Florida is a police state! spaceyteen

#14 Naked gardening for the Olympics

#14 Naked gardening for the Olympicshhvorr

#15 Fair enough

#15 Fair enoughhologramvin

#16 That's not assault that's a gift and you should say thank-you

#16 That's not assault that's a gift and you should say thank-youalexandraerin

#17 Don't do bath salts

#17 Don't do bath saltspetite_brunette

#18 This is a no-service zone sir

#18 This is a no-service zone sirTheDudeBro21

#19 Valid use of police resources in my opinion.

#19 Valid use of police resources in my opinion.deKLINEd_

#20 That's a story for the grandkids

#20 That's a story for the grandkidsN8san

#21 Damn caterpillar's

#21 Damn caterpillar'steammarie

#22 So the cops say

#22 So the cops sayMerrill_Corp

#23 Gross

#23 GrossFabHumanTorch

#24 Leave the chief out of this.

#24 Leave the chief out of this.redmchil1

#25 Delicious snack mid-crime spree

#25 Delicious snack mid-crime spreepjbruno

#26 He identifies as a child

#26 He identifies as a childmiitomud

#27 John Legend getting in on the action

#27 John Legend getting in on the actionjohnlegend

#28 Cool

#28 CoolRandomdragn

#29 That's a bit sad

#29 That's a bit sadmisty_surge

#30 Fine, famous and fabulous

#30 Fine, famous and fabulousYoVillains