Alaskan Malamutes Are The Floofiest And Sweetest Good Dogs Around
Alaskan Malamutes = maximum floof achieved.

Taking even a quick gander at the majestic, fluffy Alaskan Malamute and it's not hard to see why people gush over the adorable dog breed. This poofy pup looks like happy, floofy wolves.
Alaskan Malamutes are happy dogs, but contrast to their wolf-like appearance they are not hybrids with the ancestors of the domesticated dog. This dog's appearance similar to wolves is merely a coincidence.
Alaskan Malamutes are popular among folks who also love dogs like Siberian Huskies and Samoyed dogs and really, just anyone who loves a good floofer pooper. These dogs are smart and playful when well-trained but if you're not careful, you are guaranteed to have a troublemaker on your paws.
Alaskan Malamutes are amazing diggers and climbers as well as natural hunters. They're quite the package, aren't they?
1. "My Friend's Malamute Thinks He's A Lap Dog"
Thinks? More like knows.

2. "That Has Been His Chair Since He Was A Puppy"
So precious.

3. "Pupper Then, Doggo Now"
Always perfect.

4. "An Alaskan Malamute Having The Time Of His Life At Mt. Hermon, Israel"
All doggos deserve to know this level of joy.

5. "Size Difference Between These Two"

6. "Doggo Growing Up"
Growing more majestic every day.

7. "New Game, Did You Spot Milo Instantly Or Have To Do A Double Take?"
The purrfect hiding space.

8. "What A Difference 8 Months Can Make. No More Looking Down To Teddy"
No more, indeed.

9. "Meet Luca, The Alaskan Malamute That Loves To Destroy Her Toys, Except This One"
The special toy can stay.

10. "Tonka The Alaskan Malamute Dressed For Halloween As A Siberian Husky"
Nailed It.

11. "How To Keep 250 Lbs Of Malamute Out Of Your Bed"
Give them their own, why didn't I think of that?

12. "Hello, Do You Have A Moment To Talk About Jesus Christ?"
Tis I, the doggo.

13. "Welcome Back Hooman. Did You Remember To Buy My Tuna?"
Is he a cat?

14. "Giant Malamute Family"
Goals ASF

15. "She Still Calls Him Her Puppy"
Forever the puppy.

16. "My Girlfriend's Brother Got A New Dog"
The derp is strong in this one.

17. "What’s For Dinner Humom?"
ANYTHING you want, baby

18. "May I Have This Dance?"

19. "I Think We Could Be A Better Beauty And The Beast Than Beauty And The Beast"
I agree.

20. "My Mini-Malamute"
Hm, yes, I see. Very s m o l.

21. "Buddy, Are You A Malamute Or A Teddy Bear?"
He replied, "yes."

22. "Because Dogs Are The Best Cuddle Buddies"
No point denying facts.

23. "Our Faces, When Asked, Who Finished The Cake. Hint: It Wasn’t The Human"
Who could it be?

24. "This Little Nugget"
My heart is going to burst.

25. "As I Keep Seeing Big Dogs On Here, May I Present To You My Friend's Alaskan Malamute, Gibson"
Gibson is a contender for L O R G E B O I

26. "My Big Dude Just Turned One And Is Massive!"

27. "When Your Malamute Doesn’t Want To Come Inside"

28. "Believe It Or Not, That’s An Alaskan Malamute, Not A Weird Rabbit. Meet Ember"
Why not both?

29. "Xander, The Dogs At The Park Called Me A Wolf Bear Again"
Poor, sad, baby.

30. "Handsome Boy River"
So heckin handsome.

31. "I Bought My Malamute Puppy A Hiking Pack, It Doesn't Quite Fit Him Yet"
I'm not even mad.

32. "My Malamute Just Turned 1, So We Celebrated With Balloons, Hats, And Carrot Cupcakes"
Give him double the carrot cupcakes, please and thank you.

33. "Trying To Get A Closer Look"
That's why they're comparable to huskies.

34. "2 Months Vs 7 Months Comparison. Any Alaskan Malamute Fans?"
Yes, hello. I am a BIG FAN.

35. "Malamute Goes For A Car Ride"

36. "Still A Little Puppy"
Always a puppy. Always.

37. "I Know You Guys Want To Hug Me Like This. Am I Right?"
Gimme more hugs please.

38. "Couple Derps"
Derp together, happy together.

39. "This Polar Bear"

40. "Was My Big Bro, Now... Still My Big Bro"
Same but different.