These Floating Jellyfish Lights Will Make Your Pool Look Like An Epic Aquarium

Cast your eyes on the coolest pool lights you will ever see

These Floating Jellyfish Lights Will Make Your Pool Look Like An Epic Aquarium

We all wanted to be that friend-with-a-pool. They were the coolest kid on the block and were guaranteed fun in summer.

But now, as we age (sigh), and some of us become parents of the kid-with-a-pool, we are learning just how expensive pool maintenance is. There are also a whole bunch of very important safety things to be aware of, such as fences and pool lights.

Now, pool lights can be super boring. Or... they could be very cool.

And you’re about to see some very cool ones, in the shape of floating jellyfish. Not to worry though, they’re definitely cool in the eyes of adults as well as kids. 

Introducing... the coolest pool lights you'll ever see....

Introducing... the coolest pool lights you'll ever

While available from many places, these ones from Walmart have a load of features. They are battery operated, have a bunch of different colours, patterns and modes, and look cool as heck.

If you don't have a pool you could always grab the equivalent version for an aquarium.

Your fishy friends would looooove these.

(Unless they're anything like Nemo)

If you don't have a pool you could always grab the equivalent version for an aquarium.

Or these floating jellyfish in a lamp.

It's like a lava lamp, but with jellyfish and I am adding to my Amazon wishlist right now.

Or these floating jellyfish in a

What do you think? Will you be getting some sweet jellyfish lights? Let us know in the comments
