Adorable Dogs Look Like They Floated And Ended Up Stuck In The Ceiling Are All Over The Internet, And We Absolutely Love It

Finally. A trend we can approve of

  • Published in Animals
Adorable Dogs Look Like They Floated And Ended Up Stuck In The Ceiling Are All Over The Internet, And We Absolutely Love It

They say that cats own the internet, but I think it’s pretty safe to say that dog are slowly reclaiming that position, it’s just a matter of time. And for us dog lovers, that's great news (you might even say it's pawsitive.)

We already have enough dog photos to last us a lifetime, although a trend has lately emerged in the “Aww” subreddit that made that number slightly increase. This is not a complaint, give us more dog photos to delight over, thanks.

This trend initially started after a Reddit user posted a picture of his shiba inu dog stuck in the ceiling as if it floated all the way up there. The second that dog's post went viral everyone on the internet wanted to get on board and that’s how we ended up with these many hilarious floating dog images.

1. The face of regret

1. The face of regretReddit

2. This one can only float while sleeping

2. This one can only float while sleeping

3. If it wasn’t for the ceiling he’d already be in outer space

3. If it wasn’t for the ceiling he’d already be in outer space

4. I think this one is getting raptured

4. I think this one is getting raptured IG

5. He looks pretty happy

5. He looks pretty happyReddit

6. “Just casually hanging upside down on a Sunday morning.”

6. “Just casually hanging upside down on a Sunday morning.”IG

7. “ Some are better at chillin than others ”

7. “ Some are better at chillin than others ”IG

8. “Another exhausting day”

8. “Another exhausting day”IG

9. “When you just can’t take the excitement anymore!”

9. “When you just can’t take the excitement anymore!”IG

10. “Getting her beauty rest.”

10. “Getting her beauty rest.”IG

11. “Our little pork chop cuddle pup!”

11. “Our little pork chop cuddle pup!”IG

12. You can tell from the ears that the pull is strong

12. You can tell from the ears that the pull is strongIG

13. This chonky boye is terrified

13. This chonky boye is terrified

14. Such a happy dog

14. Such a happy dogIG

15. This one’s in desperate need for help

15. This one’s in desperate need for helpIG

16. “Naps are necessity on Mondays”

16. “Naps are necessity on Mondays”IG