People Share Their Very First Screen Names on The Internet and The Results Are Super Cringey

They say true embarrassment can be found in your first e-mail address... and they're right.

  • Published in Funny
People Share Their Very First Screen Names on The Internet and The Results Are Super Cringey

They say true embarrassment can be found in your first e-mail address... and they're right! Well, it turns out that people's first 'screen names' are equally as bad if not WORSE, because special characters were allowed in screen names and that just opened up a whole other world of p0$$!b!L!T!3S. Twitter user, Ashly Perez, recently asked people what their first screen name on AIM was.

The responses are SERIOUSLY cringe! Cringe with a major side of Avril Lavigne and Backstreets Boys. It's seems pretty normal now in 2019 to be firstname.last or firstname_lastname or similar. We've all matured - thank goodness... but take a walk down memory lane and check out what some other people were sporting back when it was pretty damn cool to be a 'Sk8r Boi!'.

Ashly Perez poses the question

... and shared her first - hOw cOoL!

The responses came FAST! This one was spicy!

Kept it real-real.

Kept it real-real.

.... Because duh!

~ cool ~ indeed.

Self discovery is a journey.

That's kewl

I also was a major fan.

Yeah, man.

Class of '07 REPRESENT!

... Then why?

'90s babies only!

LOL cringe.


LOL this girl earned this one!

Lilo was a vibe.

And I'm sure you did... not.

Hanson were everything.

Ohhhh yeahhhh


This is better than a lot were...

No judgement here, X-Files rocked.

OMG! LOL - Neopets were amazing.

This had a lot of thought....


BSB Fans Only x
