Obviously Faked Instagram Pictures Are So Terrible That It Is Borderline Hilarious

These photos have a bit more than a filter on them...

  • Published in Funny
Obviously Faked Instagram Pictures Are So Terrible That It Is Borderline Hilarious

Social media, and the ease with which users are able to edit, alter and filter their photos is, honestly, a little ridiculous. It is so easy and so simple to completely edit your photos with the click of a couple of buttons.

There is evidence to suggest that photoshopping, and creating unrealistic expectations of what you look like to your audience has negative impacts on people's mental health and body image issues. Not only is it bad for your own self-image to do so, it is also bad for your audience, too.

But, while all this is true, finding badly edited photos can be a very funny experience--so scroll on to see some of the best! (Worst?)

We've all overdone it with the teeth whitener's before...

Is makeup artists editing their pictures considered to be unethical??

First order of business: make photoshop free!

Did he copy/paste new eyes??

No! Knees!

Another Kardashian?

Isn't it so annoying when your absorb your necklace?

Lovely baby bump...

Imagine walking into the gym and seeing this

Human doll?

Why get rid of the ankles??

(Friendly reminder not to shame people for their skin texture!)

Ah, yes, the official order of chess pieces: small to big


Inverted back??


It's just very, very sunny

Spot the difference

This looks like a Sims 4 screenshot

Bit more than a filter happening here

Organs are unnecessary

Hoods are magic


At least she edited them both!

Friendly reminder that you are beautiful just the way you are and you don't need to facetune!!
