Cute Dogs With Extra Skin Look Adorable As Heck
Extra skin on dogs ftw
Published in Animals
March 16, 2021
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but there's one thing we can all agree on, dogs all impossible to resist and all dogs are absolutely adorable. No matter what a dog may look like, dogs will always remain man's best friend.
Dogs earned that title a long time ago and dogs continue to prove every day that dogs above all else deserve it. Every variation of dogs is cute.
Extra skin on dogs is the cutest thing ever, especially when you pull it all the way where you can clearly see how actually long it is. The dog and puppy pictures below are of some of the cutest dogs who just happen to have extra skin. Scroll down and check these dogs out.
1. "He Protec, He Attac, But Mostly, Many Squishy Is Back" Squishy Dogs? Yes, please.
2. "When He Was Sick, He Lost A Huge Amount Of Weight. He's Got Some Extra Skin He Needs To Grow Back Into" skettiosandgoobers
3. "Reversed Dog Squish" muttadventures
4. "Why So Serious?"
5. "Someone Needs A Little Nip Tuck" watsonthewondermutt
6. "Pointy Doggo Doin A Stretch" Johannesdl
7. "Stretchy Face Dorothy. I Love Her Cheeks" A dog named Dorothy with stretchy face? Amazing.
8. "Love This Guy" dylanwelsh86
9. "He’s A Special Kind Of Special" Special dogs stretch, too.
10. "Lovely Stretch" mojiakira
11. "Stretch Dogstrong" hoppi
12. "Chipmunkin' On Friyay" bearcoat_tonkey
13. "Sting Bae" goodboypacino
14. "Why Dani Has Trust Issues" Dani dog is not amused.
15. "Stingray Face With A Tongue. Best We Could Do With A Crazy Pup" hali_fax
16. "This Is How Loose My Dog's Neck Is" harryq15
17. "Slobbersaurus 3 Month Glow Up. Bigger Wrinkly Cheeks, Bigger Blep, Heckin’ Good Boi" Courtney Jones
18. "Such Smile. Very Happiness" loopdeloops
19. "My Face When Grandma Comes Over" boethebearcoat
20. "I Don’t Pay Rent. I Don’t Clean. I Don’t Cook. I Contribute To The Home By Letting The Humans Stretch My Face" thedailyfritz
21. "I Died" caseyfitz26
22. "Easy There With Your Shenanigans Dad" hankandsasha
23. "It's Tough Smiling Through These Big Flaps" reggie_thepig
24. "Squishy Cheeks" danielthegoldie
25. "My Dog Has A Lot Of Extra Skin" AustinXC
26. "Big Smile For Everyone" mavely._.bella
27. "Extra Skin" frank_fromthehood
28. "If You Force Yourself To Smile, Within A Couple Of Minutes, You Feel Happy" hoohoo_thebully
29. "Pancakes Anyone?" myotherusernameisbetter_
30. "She's Still Growing Into Her Face" carmenabernethy
31. "Humans Are So Strange" mr.hankthehound
32. "Sleepy Stretch" fhosalay
33. "Eats Snack While Also Looking For Another Snack" myotherusernameisbetter_
34. "Jackson's Mighty Roar" strawhat_harris
35. "Not Impressed" chiefthemastiff
36. "Mr. Cheek" fhosalay
37. "Just A Little Extra Skin" mollythepocketpuggle
38. "Who Puts An Instant Smile On Your Face?" dominicthepit
39. " Look At All My Extra Skin In My Cheeks From My Dramatic Weight Loss" louiewiththetongue
40. "Here's A Lil Stingray Face To Brighten Your Morning" beingbarley