This Artist's 30 Hilarious Comics Are Breaking The Internet

Expectations vs. Reality takes a dig at many of us. I'm sure you all relate.

  • Published in Funny
This Artist's 30 Hilarious Comics Are Breaking The Internet

We've been told more than a million times that every human is different. There are no two humans who're exactly the same.

I mean, even twins born seconds apart are different. I guess it won't hurt to remind everyone reading this article that everyone is different.

It's not your fault when things don't go as expected and it's important to not blame yourself, but at the same time, it's high time we learn to accept that curly hair doesn't look good on every girl that walks the planet.

The misconception that all girls should be that or that to be perfect is nothing but crap. When girls believe that everything that works for others will work on them, they fall into a toxic loop of self-destruction.

They're indirectly forced to fit into expectations instead of facing the reality. Sure, Willow looks great with curls and stuff, but that doesn't mean curls would look great on you, too.

Not to offend you, but it's time we smash expectations and focus on reality. That doesn't mean you should just give up, curl up somewhere in the corner and live in eternal dread.

It just means that it's time to embrace your real beauty and amplify it instead of following trends that don't suit you! When life throws you girly lemons, it's time to make a punchy lemonade, have gratitude, and move forward with the utmost confidence in whatever you've achieved.

Meet Cassandra Calin, an artist who loves to smash expectations vs. reality and laugh at some of the problems she and other girls have faced and continue to face to this day! The internet loves Calin for her realistic artwork, and I'm pretty sure you'll love her too.

With over 2.4 million followers on Instagram and many more on her other social media channels, Calin is a force to be reckoned with. Without further ado, here are 30 of her best expectations vs. reality on girl problems!

1. I'm sure most people relate to this.

1. I'm sure most people relate to this.CassandraComics

2. One of them is me.

2. One of them is me.CassandraComics

3. This is my story every single time.

3. This is my story every single time.CassandraComics

4. Yep. True story.

4. Yep. True story.CassandraComics

5. Thank you for the nightmare.

5. Thank you for the nightmare.CassandraComics

6. Yep, true story, again.

6. Yep, true story, again.CassandraComics

7. Bwahahaa. Women are complicated.

7. Bwahahaa. Women are complicated.CassandraComics

8. Exactly. Don't trust everything you see online.

8. Exactly. Don't trust everything you see online.CassandraComics

9. Uh oh. This is my story.

9. Uh oh. This is my story.CassandraComics

10. Good riddance.

10. Good riddance.CassandraComics

11. It's never symmetrical.

11. It's never symmetrical.CassandraComics

12. When this happens, everything hits the roof.

12. When this happens, everything hits the roof.CassandraComics

13. I'm sure you relate, too.

13. I'm sure you relate, too.CassandraComics

14. Exactly.

14. Exactly.CassandraComics

15. Uh. Me again.

15. Uh. Me again.CassandraComics

16. Aww... Love yourself.

16. Aww... Love yourself.CassandraComics

17. Same story.

17. Same story.CassandraComics

18. Oh. That's a difficult choice to make.

18. Oh. That's a difficult choice to make.CassandraComics

19. Yep. Dishes always seem to pile up.

19. Yep. Dishes always seem to pile up.CassandraComics

20. Yep. We've learned to deal with it.

20. Yep. We've learned to deal with it.CassandraComics

21. It takes one step to start a journey...

21. It takes one step to start a journey...CassandraComics

22. Technically we do get up... from our side of the bed.

22. Technically we do get up... from our side of the bed.CassandraComics

23. Okay, that's a fridge I'd want too.

23. Okay, that's a fridge I'd want too.CassandraComics

24. Well, as long as you're comfortable.

24. Well, as long as you're comfortable.CassandraComics

25. Oh, truly perfect. I want a pair too.

25. Oh, truly perfect. I want a pair too.CassandraComics

26. LOL. This had me cracking up.

26. LOL. This had me cracking up.CassandraComics

27. Step #4 never seems to work out.

27. Step #4 never seems to work out.CassandraComics

28. Umm. No comment.

28. Umm. No comment.CassandraComics

29. Every girl's story. Trust me.

29. Every girl's story. Trust me.CassandraComics

30. Well, at least you tried.

30. Well, at least you tried.CassandraComics

In Summary...

Honestly, how many of these do you relate to? I relate to most, if not all!

Calin has nailed stereotypes in the most awesome way possible. I think it's about time we accept that everyone's perfect in their own way and that it's okay if things don't work out some days!
