He is experienced in treating viruses and he once survived the Ebola Virus! Yep! Crazy, right?
In light on the current situation in the world (the Corona Virus pandemic, if that wasn't obvious), Doctor Spencer tweeted 'a day in the life of an emergency room doctor during a pandemic' and revealed a very grim view of the situation at hand.
He also explained what a sad reality life current is for our front-line medical professionals. He
highlighted that the USA is being completely HAMMERED by this pandemic and that it's way too late to stop it. He explains that hospitals are running out of ventilators and that people NEED to take the virus seriously.
He talks about the fact he once was infected by Ebola Virus, but he fears COVID-19 and its severity. I repeat... HE HAD Ebola, he FEARS COVID-19.
He ends by explaining that it is far too late to stop this virus, but the spread can be slowed if people listen to professional advice, but they NEED to listen.
Check it out below
Craig had received many tweets from people who knew he was a doctor, so he decided to Tweet his day working during the pandemic.