10+ Disney Fans That Made Us Laugh Way Too Hard
When Disney fans get ahold of the Internet, everyone wins.

When you grow up watching Disney movies you grow up appreciating the humor in all forms. You grow up developing a sense of humor.
And then when you grow up you see Disney everywhere and you get a little twisted sometimes and some of that twisted comes out in your humor and that's where the Internet steps in to combine it all.
All the Disney, all the humor, all the twisted quirks you've developed.
And as weird as that sounds it results in some of the funniest things we've ever seen on the Internet and it's all in the form of Disney humor. Quite frankly, we can't get enough.
1. Twerk it, Gaston.
I hate this and I love this.

2. Zootopia
This movie was popular but still did not get all the appreciation it deserves. This joke is a classic example.

3. Well played.
Sometimes when you're an adult but you still LOVE Disney, you see Disney everywhere.

4. After the fair tail:

5. Well played, Tumblr.
Seriously, kudos for this one.

6. Ah, yes...
I, too, must remove my head to properly selfie with my friends.

7. Dedicated to the "Pun Life."
It was worth it for someone to notice it on Tumblr one day.

8. Clever joke.
I'm a little mad.

9. Congratulations!
You're old.

10. Evil cackling in the background.
101, yes.

11. Literally, though.
Clever joke, Disney, clever joke.

12. Churro Boy
We look forward to an update in ten years where Churro Boy finds love at Disney World and instead of smashing cake at their wedding they smash churros.

13. He's FABULOUS.
I mean why not, it IS Disney after all?

14. Mulan is cold ASF
One of the princesses had to be.

15. "Same."
I say to myself faster than ever before in my life.

16. The most accurate thing, ever.
I'm not exaggerating.

17. Shake it off.
Haters gonna hate.

18. Why you dirty, little noodles...
We were once such innocent children.

19. Reality sucks.
Can we just enjoy the fairy tail a little longer before you ruin everything? Sheesh...

20. Violate is the real winner here.
That's why she's my favorite.

21. Yaaaaay, I'm a llama again.
Wait a minute....

22. Accurate ASF
Sloppy drunk but still a precious princess.

23. Goodbye peasants.
I have been chosen.

24. This is why sequels are not always a good thing.

25. Perpetually.
Princess Mia was so relatable.

26. How YOU doin'
This is humorously wrong.
