These People Went Overboard With Their Ridiculous Emotional Support Animals
Jeez can't you replicate the same effect with a hamster or something

Emotional support animals are companions that are prescribed by a medical professional in order to help with someone's disability. The most common ones are cats and dogs, they don't take up too much space and they're usually well behaved and perfect for this sort of tasks.
Although, some people went way overboard by picking these huge animals for emotional support, which might be perceived by some of us as ridiculous and unnecessary.
But who are we to judge, it certainly looks unorthodox to us, yet it makes perfect sense to them because that's the only way they manage to get emotional support and doesn't and shouldn't concern us whatsoever.
1. Yep, this is an emotional support duck...on a flight...

2. An Emotional Support Pony On a Flight

3. This emotional support pig was kicked off a flight because he was being "disruptive"

4. Emotional support Peacock spotted boarding a flight from Newark To L.A

5. Another pig!

6. "My friend had an 'emotional support turkey' on her flight to seattle today."

7. "When my mom has a kangaroo on her flight as an "emotional support animal" ..."

8. Richard the emotional support monkey

9. Aww, he's so adorable

10. "MONKEY BUSINESS! Meet Gizmo who stirred all that trouble on a #LasVegas bound Frontier Airlines flight 🐒✈️@News3LV"

11. What a time to be alive

12. Comfy and ready to fly

13. Imagine if it freaks out mid-flight and starts terrorizing the passengers

14. Waiting in line like a good Turkey

15. "We've got cock!! Emotional support rooster FOR. THE. WIN. "

16. Emotional support pig hanging out in the Cockpit