Emotional Support Alligator Makes Unexpected Appearance At Love Park
We can't wait to dive into this story about an emotional support alligator.

Many of us have heard of emotional support animals as they've become more popular as people are becoming a bit more self-aware. Their main purpose is to provide emotional support for those who are in stressful or anxiety-driven situations.
Typically, we will see emotional support animals such as dogs, cats, or sometimes other smaller animals. This animal is surprising because it is an emotional support alligator, which you might not think makes sense.
However, a lot of animals can be emotional support animals and you might be surprised at the joyful response the alligator got when people walked into the park and noticed it. We wanted to compile all of the posts and the story behind the emotional support alligator since it seemed to stir up some noise in Philidelphia.
Believe it or not, the alligator has made a name for itself since being recognized at the park. This alligator definitely got people's attention and to our surprise, people are loving it.
Let's dive in and take a look into the story of the alligator, what people had to say, take a look at photos, and so much more. So if you're into this kind of thing then just keep on reading.
Here's one post that shows the alligator and someone posting that it can be found at Love Park.
Wally, the world's most famous emotional support alligator, made an appearance at Love Park in Philidelphia. People didn't seem to mind that the alligator was there and they quickly took to their social media to show off the alligator.
Here you can see a girl walking around with the alligator on a leash through some water.
Wally has over 70,000 followers on its social media where its owner, Joie Henney, posts videos of it. The alligator and his owner met 6 years ago while Joie was rescuing reptiles.
He immediately felt a bond and adopted the animal himself as an emotional support alligator.
I mean I couldn't even imagine hugging an alligator.
Here's a little bit of what the owner had to say about Wally, “He doesn’t show anger. He doesn’t show aggression. He hasn’t since the day he was caught. I never actually understand why, but he’s just loveable.”
It's clear to us that Joie and Wally have a special relationship and it seems that everyone at the park understood that as well. So many people were posting about this alligator, so it's no wonder Wally has now over 70,000 followers.
I can't get over how calm the alligator and the little girl are.
Joie says that Wally sleeps in the bed with him, is super gentle, and really lovable.
After reading and seeing all of that I think that probably any animal could be an emotional support animal. Clearly, Wally is really great at his job and he has the perfect owner to be around who loves and cares for him.
It's just crazy how gentle and calm the alligator was in all of the footage, definitely a wild scene.