30 Geography Fails That Made The Internet Cringe So Bad
Many people publicly humiliate themselves online and it's enough to facepalm
- Published in Interesting
The majority of us have been there: you publish something online that you are 100 percent certain is the whole truth... only to discover that you were wrong. You come to the realization that you are completely wrong, of all places, on the internet!
Your error has now been immortalized on the r/facepalm subreddit, which is known as the Internet Hall of Infamy. And the community has a ton of big mistakes being made by different people.
However, few of them are as upsetting to witness as when someone brags about having "deep" geographic knowledge. The posts you're about to read may cause anyone, even one with a basic understanding of geography, to lose a little faith in humanity.
Back in school, every one of us had our favorite and least favorite subjects. Some liked biology, literature, and history while others detested math and even geography.
The topic itself was quite fascinating. Who doesn't like learning about volcanoes, diverse cultures, and making maps in class, after all?
But a lot of this enjoyment depends on the teacher. Some were really severe and gave you terrible grades if you didn't memorize every significant geographic site on the planet.
Others, on the other hand, made the topic entertaining, relatable, and—well—not a chore. So go ahead and get your safari hats, scroll down, and enjoy.
1. When You Dont Know What You’re Talking About
Weak_Significance_972. Blindly Playing Yourself
okiedokie643. Peace And Harmony
HourChildhood9724. Ah Yes, "Time-Zones"
Waterburst7895. Imagine Being This Uneducated
astronaut126. Ah, Yeah. I Swear It's Always Us Americans Who Don't Realize There's A Country Called Georgia
lazarushelsinkiYou'll feel a lot better about your own geographic knowledge, or lack thereof, after seeing these failures. Heck, maybe while you're here you'll pick up a few things.
7. I Posted A Picture On Another Subreddit About A River In The Country Georgia And This Person Had A Lot To Say
whitebathingsuit8. Virtue Signalling
Aki0080359. America Is The Whole Globe
kayserfaust10. Countries On Map Of Africa Labelled Incorrectly On Gcse Geography Paper
tyw711. Someone Didn’t Pay Attention In Geography Class
AScoopOfNeo12. Ah Yes, Germany Flag Fridge Magnet
Tatarkingdom13. Amsterdam = Country
Surer12314. More Liberian Flag Confusion
flopsychops15. Getting Offended Over The Name Of A Country
BalkanTrekie16. Nordic Countries Misunderstood
Leebelle317. I Guess He’s Half Right
Lexi_The_G18. A Girl At Work Drew What She Thinks The Map Of The USA Looks Like. She's Almost 30 With 2 Kids. The Nc Public School System Has Really Failed Her
Katewalsh8319. Yahoo Answers Might Be Gone, But We Still Have Quora
tacolordY20. Where Is Ukraine?
https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/wlwp11/where_is_ukraine/21. Geography
SpoderManDylan22. Dunno What To Say
oawwa23. Asian/Chinese Currency
cornplantation24. Someone's Geography Needs Some Upgrading
Innocent_Killer25. Definitely The Shape And Flag Of Colorado
A-reddit_Alt26. They Don't Teach Flags In High School Geography?
beerbellybegone27. I Thought The USA Was The One Bad At Geography, I Swear To God, (UK Politics Subreddit)
an_reddit_man28. Canada Is A Country In Eastern Europe! Read A Book, Bro
jombrowski29. Geography Is Hard
SquishyNiko30. You Can Only Pity Such People
aaravaryamanThe best fails online are collected on the well-known subreddit r/facepalm and yes, geography fails. You'd think these people would have at the very least looked up the information on Google, but they didn't.
They proceeded based on the knowledge in their heads, and it completely backfired. Take a peek around the next time you're on social media and decide for yourself.