40 Fantastic Elf On The Shelf Ideas Shared By Facebook Group Members
"Facebook group has allowed us to bring people together in a more interactive way and it's grown into a wonderful international community."
There is no denying that Christmas is a beautiful holiday, and one of the things that make it so are the decorations. They are there to welcome Santa.
Of course, Santa Claus is always on the lookout to see if you've been naughty or nice. But he isn't alone in this; there's a whole world of people to keep an eye on! Luckily for him, he has helpers in the form of his iconic elves, who lend him a hand and a pair of watchful eyes.
A lot of people now have 'elves on the shelf' in their homes as decorations and to keep an eye on their behavior. Kids love to see what these little elves have been up to overnight, and the results are often funny and sweet.
There's even a wonderful online community dedicated to 'Elf on the Shelf' planning, inspiration, and sharing ideas. This Facebook group is aptly named 'Elfing Around' and is run by Toni, who has a 'Finding Myself Young' blog, and Holly, who has a 'Simplify Create Inspire' blog.
So if you're looking to get creative with your Christmas decorations, this is the place to be! Will you join us? Let's go! Enjoy with us.
1. Not My Work. Seen In A Craft Group But Thought It Was A Great Idea!
Gonzales Pera
2. Too Hot In This House So I’m Just Chilling
Rossy Bullock
3. We Don’t Use The Traditional Elf On The Shelf But A Vintage Annalee. Her Name Is Marilyn
Dusti Michele
4. Yesterday Morning We Had “Snow” Angels
Nikki Unverrich
5. For The Star Wars Crew. The Reaction In The Morning Was Worth It
Candie Hensley
6. Our Elf Was Up To No Good That Night!
Mindy Steighner
7. Our Elves Tonight Ironing Out The Wrinkles
Rachel Longley Oldham
8. Pivot
Katelyn Wilkerson
9. Chippy Made Brown-E’s For The Boys Tonight!
Kenzie Dykxhoorn
10. One Of Our Favorites So Far
Amanda Marie
11. Found In The Wild
Sarah Myers
12. I Added Some Guest Stars This Year
Staci Parker Jordan
13. Kisses From Heaven. My Daughter Said This Was Her Favorite Thing Her Elf Has Ever Done!
Chelsea Mayhew
14. Make Sure You Take Some Time To Recover From The Holiday Rush!
Stephanie Michelle Little
15. I Used A Wrapping Paper Roll And A Glue Gun
Racine Renee
16. My Daughter Loved This One
Hope Scott
17. They Went To Work With My Hubby !!
Frances Moreau
18. Peek A Boo
Rebecca Wiseman
19. We Pea'd In Your Pants!
Ruth Agnew
20. Ran Out Of Wrapping Paper & Decided The Elf Had To Leave With A Bang
Denielle Lovely Mckoy
21. Naughty Elf
Brittany Gustafson
22. Left My Husband In Charge! He Did Good He Gets A Point!
Leyda Torres
23. Our Elf's Best Hide
Group participant
24. I Did It!! Not The Best But…
Becky Hoffman Seidel
25. I Need To Post My Other Ones, But This Is Today’s
Elisa Swift
26. Elf On The Shelf About To Make A Big Mistake
Alex Marquez
27. Hot Stone Massage Time
Donna Garrett Metcalf
28. Ouch!
Alane Bertrand Roberts
29. Martha And Snoop Dogg
Bradley Helton
30. Grinch Is At It Again With What He Calls Holiday Spirit
Damon James Gyurics
31. This Is Just A Table Runner Or Wrapping Paper This Is A Cute Idea As Well
Robin Frutchey Navaline
32. Good Bye Kevin
John Hubery
33. Tonight’s Was Probably My Favorite
Haley Marie Turmell
34. Our Elf Holly Guards Our Home From The Grinch!
Damon James Gyurics
35. Times Are Tough, A Quarter Is A Quarter
Pablo Djchino Rodriguez
36. Not Sure If This Has Been Posted Yet
Rivera Natalia
37. Not Sure Elvin Will Be Allowed Back Next Year!
Group participant
38. So Clever
Alane Bertrand Roberts
39. Chicken Wing, Chicken Wing, Hot Dog And Bologna, Chicken And Macaroni, Chillin’ With My Homies
Jessica Mattison
40. Kissing Booth
Ramonita Hernandez
Christmas is a time of celebration when people exchange gifts and enjoy lavish feasts. The decorations, lights, and music all add to the festive atmosphere and create a sense of warmth and joy.
Christmas is a time to remember the past, cherish the present, and look forward to the future. It is a time to focus on family, faith, and friendship and to remember the importance of giving and being of service to others.