Photos of People who were Failed by the American Education System
These people need to go back to school pronto. Maybe internationally.
- Published in Funny
Growing up I wanted my education to be like what I had seen in many of the tv shows set in American schools during the early 2000’s. It is safe to say I am not alone with his.
However, the truth of the matter is that the American Education System lets down many of its students in various ways, most of which is at no fault of the actual educators themselves. A result of this is that some of the people that go through the American Education System graduate with some interesting perspectives on the world around them. Here are some photos depicting some of those perspectives.
Behind? How close do you think it is?
SourceYou’ve got it so backwards
SourceI highly doubt this happened
SourceSo, vaccines make heads bigger now?
SourceAll the proof you need
SourceHahaha yeah that car industry is out to get us.
SourceYou are proper confused my dude.
SourceWhat kind of vaccination did you get?
SourceThis post is awkward
SourceGood luck finding one
SourceHow do you think gravity works?
SourceAre they acsually?
SourceWhere to begin with this one.
SourceWell, that’s embarrassing
SourceDo people actually believe this?
SourceHahaha what?
SourceThat’s not how any of that works.
SourceCite your sources
SourceHow much of a small curve do you think it is my dude?
SourceYour thoughts!
What do you think of these posts? What other unique beliefs have you seen?