Hilarious Facts That Prove Just How Dumb The Flat-Earth Theory Really Is

Real Earths have curves, get it right.

  • Published in Funny
Hilarious Facts That Prove Just How Dumb The Flat-Earth Theory Really Is

Apparently, some people still believe that the Earth is flat, there are entire organizations who encourage people to reconsider Earth's shape, it's like the world is returning to the dark ages, Galileo must be rolling in his grave right now. 

The best way to deal with an absurd idea is to point out the stupidity in it and meme the hell out of it, even if the memes below are ironic and couldn't be considered as solid arguments against this backwards theory, they're still hilarious and I bet that they're making Flat-Earthers really mad since their lives revolve around this stuff.

1. Can't argue with that logic

1. Can't argue with that logicTwitter

2. Try to explain this now

2. Try to explain this nowBored Panda

3. You tell em

3. You tell emBored Panda

4. Everyone knows that the sun is just a huge lamp

4. Everyone knows that the sun is just a huge lampBored Panda

5. It's way too far away

5. It's way too far awayBored Panda

6. Is that a Turtle

6. Is that a TurtleBored Panda

7. Can't argue with Minecraft

7. Can't argue with MinecraftBored Panda

8. Wake up sheeple!!

8. Wake up sheeple!!Bored Panda

9. Facts, facts, facts!

9. Facts, facts, facts!Bored Panda

10. "I was wrong"

10. Bored Panda

11. Very slowly, so you don't miss it

11. Very slowly, so you don't miss itBored Panda

12. Brains are also flat

12. Brains are also flatBored Panda

13. That explains the Dinosaurs

13. That explains the DinosaursBored Panda

14. Sorry to bother you sir

14. Sorry to bother you sirBored Panda

15. Keep em there

15. Keep em thereBored Panda