Dyslexic Child Surprises Teacher With A Forwards-and-Backwards Poem

"We looked at poems that could be read forwards and backwards. I was stunned by this one."

Dyslexic Child Surprises Teacher With A Forwards-and-Backwards Poem

When Jane Broadis, a year 6 teacher at Christ Church Chorleywood C of E School in Watford, United Kingdom, asked her students to write a poem which could be read both forwards and backwards, she was stunned by the results.

One poem in particular, which was written by one of Jane's 10-year-old students, truly took her by surprise.

Jane took to Twitter to share the beautiful poem which had been handed in by a little girl in her class who suffers from Dyslexia.

"Today in Y6 we looked at poems that could be read forwards & backwards. I was stunned by this one written by one of my 10 year olds. please share - I would love for her work to be appreciated further afield. I wonder if it could even find a publisher?" Jane wrote.

Year 6 teacher, Jane Broadis.

Year 6 teacher, Jane Broadis.Twitter

"I was stunned by this one," Jane wrote.


Some commenters mistakenly referred to the poem as a palindrome. However, a palindrome is a phrase, number or other sequences of characters which reads the same backward as forward.

Some commenters mistakenly referred to the poem as a palindrome. However, a palindrome is a phrase, number or other sequences of characters which reads the same backward as forward.

“Sadly so often in schools children with dyslexia never hear that they are often able to think in ways others cannot,” Broadis added.

Dyslexia is a common disorder that causes trouble with reading despite normal intelligence. Words can become jumbled and it can be difficult to spell, read and sound out words, although different people are affected in different ways.

It is often a misconception that dyslexia is limited to people who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), however, this is not the case. The disorder can affect anyone and is believed to be caused by both genetic and environmental factors.

Here is how people reacted to the moving poem.

Here is how people reacted to the moving poem.