Woman Snaps At Her Fiancé For Constantly Criticizing Her Method Of Making Herself Coffee And It Leads To Their Break-Up

Coffee is a way of life for some people and they strictly abide by its rules.

Woman Snaps At Her Fiancé For Constantly Criticizing Her Method Of Making Herself Coffee And It Leads To Their Break-Up

Coffee has an effect on people. That is, it does more than simply inject pure energy juice into your veins, making you feel less tired and more willing to face life’s most difficult challenges.

For some people, coffee is a way of life, and if you don’t strictly adhere to the very strict guidelines and common courtesy of what it means to experience coffee, you’ll have problems with them. Or something to that effect.

And one Redditor explained how extreme it could get with coffee in an AITA story she shared a year ago but has now given an update on how the entire experience was life-changing for her.

Meet u/Minaowl, a then-23-year-old living with her then-25-year-old fiance, who was a coffee connoisseur. Because he’s such a foodie—someone with a specific interest in food—he was very specific about certain ingestible items, one being coffee.

The Op was a casual coffee drinker who didn’t give a hoot about the intricate coffee-making recipe. You can probably see where the issue originated from.

This “approach” to coffee preparation did not sit well with the fiance, leading to numerous arguments about how she was making her coffee inappropriately. Despite the fact that they had had this conversation several times, it happened again and again, and you can imagine how frustrating it was for the OP.

A Redditor has shared a story of how her foodie fiance turned coffee making into a reason for abuse

A Redditor has shared a story of how her foodie fiance turned coffee making into a reason for abuseArjun Shankar (not the actual image)

This prompted Mina to tell her story about how her ex turned coffee making into an excuse to abuse her. Scroll down to see how the entire story plays out, culminating in Mina breaking up with him.

And the story begins...

And the story begins...u/Minaowl

A manual grinder

A manual grinderu/Minaowl

Before making the coffee

Before making the coffeeu/Minaowl

On my end...

On my end...u/Minaowl

It makes me happy

It makes me happyu/Minaowl

And now, the problem...

And now, the problem...u/Minaowl

Jumping the hoops

Jumping the hoopsu/Minaowl

He's bothered

He's botheredu/Minaowl

And today...

And today...u/Minaowl

For the record...

For the record...u/Minaowl

And now...

And now...u/Minaowl

The AITA community provided Mina with some perspective on what was really going on, prompting her to reach her own serious conclusions. The fact that there is an update makes this AITA story even more interesting.

And yes, the Op did add an edit to her story.

An edit to go with it

An edit to go with itu/Minaowl

Edit 2

Edit 2u/Minaowl

Edit 3

Edit 3u/Minaowl

Coffee is many things, but taking it to an extreme is never a good idea

Coffee is many things, but taking it to an extreme is never a good ideaOlle Svensson (not the actual image)

The OP released an update a year later, explaining the happy ending to this experience. She also stated that she is doing well now, working as a caregiver, contemplating graduate school to study social work, and living with a new partner who does not make coffee, or anything else, into an elaborate project.

A year later, we have an update

A year later, we have an updateu/Minaowl

What my ex believes in

What my ex believes inu/Minaowl

A nail in the coffin

A nail in the coffinu/Minaowl

I have a job

I have a jobu/Minaowl

Grocery shopping

Grocery shoppingu/Minaowl u/Minaowl

An unhealthy relationship

An unhealthy relationshipu/Minaowl

Want some?

Want some?Star5112 (not the actual image)

Her original post received over 4,000 upvotes, but as you now know, it was significant in her life, and that means something. But her update received 32,200 upvotes, and it made people happy to see a happily-ever-after ending.

A certified coffee snob

A certified coffee snobms_sinn

A counter argument

A counter argumentAmelia_the_Mouse

Instant coffee

Instant coffeefrescafrescacool

Quit managing

Quit managinganon

Running for the hills

Running for the hills4thxtofollowtherules

This was exhausting

This was exhaustingSomeLilPunkinaRocket

Has he ever explained why?

Has he ever explained why?MamaofTwinDragons

It's your coffee

It's your coffeebisexual_fool

Make coffee how you want

Make coffee how you wantSolutionLeading

Questionable at best

Questionable at bestdoodles2019

Nobody cares how someone prepares their coffee, because it’s a personal preference, and everyone has one. But the fact that he began bossing the OP around made everyone wonder what else he was bossing her around about, leading the audience to help her draw very serious conclusions.

But how do you feel about this story? Please let us know in the comments section.
