Insta-Famous "Dude With Sign" Is Still At It Articulating Things The Society Needs To Hear
Spitting upright facts just by holding up a cardboard sign at random spots is another kind of wow factor

Seth Philip is the man behind ‘Dude with Sign,’ a viral Instagram personality you have probably seen before, and Seth is quite popular for protesting all sorts of things. In his own way, Seth is protesting with simple cardboard, a black marker, and surprisingly relatable protest slogans.
Humorous, witty, rude, or hilarious, be it any way, he portrays what he has to say in the most accurate manner. Every piece of cardboard that is held up by this dude is sure to leave you questioning like, “why did I even think doing so was cool?".
The latest trends that everyone starts taking for granted have to be spoken about. Well, when nobody speaks up, at least Seth does on our behalf.
The Dude With Sign’s Instagram account proudly says, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything” and words are not enough to explain how accurate this is for today’s society. Nonetheless, here we have the most relatable slogans by the dude with signs to open the portals of your mind and to make you think beyond your thinking capacity.
He spits nothing but facts that need to be altered by society so alter your thoughts and try applying some of these in real life, trust me it would only be of help.
1. Yeah, loud engines just give headaches, (and heartburn, too!)

2. Why is it that expensive things don't come more durable?

3. Stay hydrated folks!

4. Coz your toxic ‘X’ is long gone.

5. So concerned about grammar.

6. Me neither, bro!

7. Hypocrisy at its peak.

8. But vegans still won't get it...

9. And perhaps that's why I never heard one

10. Someone, please forward this to my boss.

11. Diamond Hands, y'all

12. Because that's what 'you' think, and not what people are really asking

13. Here's the easy way to learn it

14. Cool... but only if you pay for my ticket

15. A generous gesture.

16. Point made!

17. But, then, no one's watching dude

18. Make use of your rights, people!

19. And taste as well.

20. Are we even sure to pass the year?

21. Yup, who doesn't need more time for Christmas décor?

22. At Least for the skinny ones please.

23. Free music, anyone? Nooo please!

24. Mashed potatoes beat all side dishes, period!

25. And now my germs are alcoholic.

26. It's a fast paced world.

27. The world doesn't need to know you have voted.

28. But, we need backups!

29. It's like saying be famous but not rich.

30. Does he mean, free drinks at the bar?

31. Unless you get real rich off them

32. The satisfaction of using your own toilet.. hmmm

33. Good job Old Spice.

34. But, from where can I buy that?

35. They are women in disguise.

36. I'd kill anyone who doesn't agree!

37. Rihanna who?

38. A wish that even Santa Claus can't fulfil.

39. Cranberry sauce, what even.

Every bit of it is so relatable that anyone reading it would know exactly what the dude is trying to say. These are just some basic things that people tend to exaggerate.
Things that are done the wrong way but end up becoming a popular trend among people which certainly are very annoying. So this dude tells the world in a clear and simple way about those misconceptions that people think are cool.