A Duck Story Is The New Way Guys Are Picking Up Girls According To This Clever Dude

What woman could possibly resist?

  • Published in Funny
A Duck Story Is The New Way Guys Are Picking Up Girls According To This Clever Dude

In the world of Tinder, there isn't generally a whole lot of imagination or charm. It isn't usually a place of creativity and romance so much as it is a place filled with guys and gals in search of their next hookup or booty call.

But with one very unique version of a pickup line - or perhaps, in this case, we should call it a "pickup story," one man has managed to put all other men on Tinder to shame.

With his interactive story about a lost duck waddling through a forest, this man may have created a game changer in the world of online dating.

Behold the duck story!

Behold the duck story!Reddit u/mattythegee

The emojis seem to be crucial here.

The emojis seem to be crucial here.Reddit u/mattythegee

Success! Beneath that black line we can only assume lies Amelia's phone number.

Success! Beneath that black line we can only assume lies Amelia's phone number.Reddit u/mattythegee

Our duck story telling friend has received much respect since his tactic was shared online.

Our duck story telling friend has received much respect since his tactic was shared online.Reddit u/LUCIEN
Reddit u/drkrogue

Well done friend, well done!

Well done friend, well done!Reddit