Drug Dealers Who Felt Like They Had No Other Choice But To Call Child Protective Services On Clients, Share Their Stories

These drug dealers are outstanding citizens ?

Drug Dealers Who Felt Like They Had No Other Choice But To Call Child Protective Services On Clients, Share Their Stories

Abusing drugs can bring out the worst in people, but as long as they're only hurting themselves, it shouldn't be anyone's problem but theirs. However, when they happen to have children, that's a whole different story. 

Being a drug addict and raising children just don't mix, considering how in order to be a responsible parent and good role model, you should be in your absolute best behavior, and not to mention extremely attentive and patient.

Formal drug dealers on an r/AskReddit post shared a couple of remarkable stories of how they were so shocked by their customers' lives, that they felt like they had no other choice but to call child protective services. By doing that, they ended up saving those kids' future and lives.

1. Some people really don't deserve to have children...

1. Some people really don't deserve to have children...

A happy ending for both of them!

A happy ending for both of them!

2. A single decision can change your entire life

2. A single decision can change your entire life

3. She didn't even bother to check up on him, incredible

3. She didn't even bother to check up on him, incredible

4. "A special little sh*thole"


5. The world's worst living conditions

5. The world's worst living conditions

6. Speaking casually about something horrible

6. Speaking casually about something horrible

7. Disgusting house full of cockroaches

7. Disgusting house full of cockroaches

8. Jesus christ, that's the worst thing ever

8. Jesus christ, that's the worst thing ever

9. Kids should DEFINITELY be protected

9. Kids should DEFINITELY be protected

10. "The house stunk of meth so badly I gagged"


11. Crying alone in the dark

11. Crying alone in the dark

12. "From that day on, I am anti-hard drugs"
